Pinch Post Shooting - FastModel Sports

Published 08/17/2018 by Michael Shaughnessy Favorite Send to FastDraw Print Embed
  • Basketball Play - Pinch Post Shooting

Drill Description

- Player 4 starts at the block with a live dribble.

- When the coach calls out "pass", player 4 will pass off the dribble to the coach and then flash to the elbow.

- As the coach passes the ball back to player 4, the coach will call out the commands of either "left" or "right".

- Go for a certain amount of makes before switching sides.



- If the coach calls out "left", the player is facing up pivoting to their left side with an inside or open pivot before shooting.

- If the coach calls out "right", the player is facing up pivoting to their right side with an inside or open pivot before shooting.

- The coach can challenge the player by giving out several commands with the last word being the one the player has to decide on (For example: "Left, right, right, left" means the player will pivot to their left side).