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Basketball Play - 3FTC Stephen Curry Shooting Workout

3FTC Stephen Curry Shooting Workout

Greg White 05/02/2013

I saw Stephen Curry doing this before a game so we decided to make a drill out of it. This is a great drill because you (1) get conditioning and game type shots, (2) movement and (3) you can use both sides of the floor. We set the scoring as follows: The Shooter must make 3 3pt shots to complete the drill. They do not have to be in a row. Mid range Shots do not count as a make. Advanced: The Shooter must make 4/5 shots including the mid-range if they miss a 3pt shot. Expert: The Shooter must make 3 consecutive 3pt shots. See More

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Basketball Play -  Last Second Shot

Last Second Shot

Greg White 04/27/2013

This is a late game situation we have used. I like it because you can install this and get either a 2pt or 3pt shot out of it. The PG attacks and makes a read as to where the ball should go or you can designate the pass based on your opponents defense. The option I like and use the most is the last option to the opposite corner for a 3. See More

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Basketball Play - 4 Shot Shooting Drill

4 Shot Shooting Drill

Greg White 05/27/2013

This is a great shooting drill to use in your individula shooting workouts or if space permits to use as part of your team practice. The key is shooting at game speed from game spots. The 4 shots are: lay-up, elbow jumper. flare jumper and transition jumper. The footwork and speed of the drill make this a great drill to add to your workout. See More

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