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Basketball Play - Virginia Tech Hokies - DHO Double Away BLOB

Virginia Tech Hokies - DHO Double Away BLOB

Justin Cellars 03/22/2019

- 5 back screens for 3 sprinting in to the block. - 5 will pop out for the entry after screen. -5 goes into a dribble handoff with 1. - 2 steps in from out of bounds and sets screen for 3. - 5 goes directly into screen after handoff takes place. - 3 comes off double away and loops across the free throw line. - After 2 sets the screen he will pause briefly and then sprint out hard for a shot, 5 sets a down screen. See More

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Basketball Play - Minnesota Golden Gophers - Elbow DHO Punch

Minnesota Golden Gophers - Elbow DHO Punch

Matt Wheeler 03/21/2019

Minnesota used this play to get the ball in deep post position in the first half of their NCAA tournament game against Louisville. 5 flashes to the elbow to receive the pass from 1. 4 then screens for 3 who immediately goes into a handoff with 5. As the ball is reversed to 1, 4 cuts to the basket off a back screen from 2. #FastModelMadness Blog Post: Mid-Major Teams Poised to Make Noise See More

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Basketball Play - Buffalo Bulls - Stack PNR DHO

Buffalo Bulls - Stack PNR DHO

Matt Wheeler 03/19/2019

Buffalo runs this play to get MAC conference player of the year CJ Massinburg (3) the ball off of a handoff where he can turn the corner and attack the basket. The play starts with 5 setting a decoy screen for 4 to initiate movement. 1 then dribbles off of the ball screen from 5 to hand the ball off to 2, who is cutting out of the corner. 4 & 5 cut to the right side of the floor to open up the left side for 3 to attack the basket. On the FMS blog: Mid-Major Teams Poised to Make Noise See More

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