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Basketball Play - UNI Closeouts

UNI Closeouts

Joel Hueser 06/17/2018

Players will perform 3 consecutive closeouts in this drill, returning underneath the basket between each rep. Check out the video below for live demonstration of this drill. Click here for more plays and drills from Coach Hueser! On the FMS Blog: 4 Tips to Get Your Team to Buy in to Playing Defense 8 Drills to Guard the Basketball Better See More

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Basketball Play - 2-on-2 Gap Help

2-on-2 Gap Help

Joel Hueser 06/16/2018

We are a packline team, but this drill (and many others) can be adapted to work with any defensive system. 2-on-2 Gap Help is great drill emphasizing our talk system and basic ball-you-man and ball-you-basket positioning. Click here for more plays and drills from Coach Hueser! See More

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