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Basketball Play - 3-on-3 On A Side

3-on-3 On A Side

Randy Sherman 04/26/2016

In this live motion offense breakdown drill, we are isolating a screener, a cutter and a post to learn the actions on a closed post side. Live play should include, down screens, flare screens, DHO, shallow cuts. Diagrammed below are concepts and elements involoved in 3-on-3 on a side For more on the step-by-step implementation of a motion offense... See More

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Basketball Play - Ball Screen Learning Series

Ball Screen Learning Series

John Leonzo 04/22/2016

Because of the complex nature of the ball screen action, 1 on 0 practice is insufficient for true mastery of the skill. This drill is a learning drill because it allows the offense to have an advantage by playing against a recovering defender guarding the screener. 1 still must place their defender into the screen, and then deals with reading the next defender and making the choice to shoot, pass, or drive. See More

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Basketball Play - Ball Screen Teaching Series

Ball Screen Teaching Series

John Leonzo 04/22/2016

The ball screen is an offensive concept that is used frequently at all levels of basketball. Because of the popularity of this action, it then becomes vital that coaches teach the intricacies of the action to their players. Here is a drill that teaches the two basic levels of ball screen play. See More

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Basketball Play - Post Workout

Post Workout

Dr Dish 04/13/2016

This Dr. Dish shooting drill is designed to get your post players a tremendous amount of quality reps from the low block. Drill is designed for each post player to work on their best low post move and counter to that move. See More

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