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Basketball Play - BULLS ELEVATOR


Jens Hakanowitz 02/18/2015

The Chicago Bulls used this BLOB during the 2014/2015 NBA season. A simple back screen gives the screener an option to use an elevator effectively afterwards. If X1 bumps on the basket cut, than 1 will have a clear path through the elevator. If X1 and X2 decide to switch the back screen, than 1 fakes setting the screen and slips through the elevator earlier. See More

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Basketball Play - Hook Back

Hook Back

Kyle Gilreath 02/18/2015

This past Summer at Coaching U Live in Indianapolis, Florida head coach Billy Donovan shared a play from his Hook series. Below are two options that put the defense in hard-to-guard situations. In Option 1, the backside is cleared out so if X5 does not help on the backscreen, 1 will get a lay-up. IF X5 does help, there will be no help on the pick & roll. Option 2 forces X5 to be late on the pick. IF X5 and X1 switch, lift 1 to the top after screening and roll 5 to the rim for a mis-match inside. See More

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Jens Hakanowitz 02/17/2015

If you are looking for an alley-oop dunk, this play might work perfectly for you. Requirements to be met are an athletic player running the 3 and 4. The first back screen functions as a decoy so that the defender of 2 overhelps early and isn't able to help on the second back screen. See More

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Basketball Play - Jet


Andrew Lacey 02/17/2015

Late game situations are becoming more important as the talent gap in all levels get closer. Here is a set that we used when I was at Pinecrest that allowed us to bring our shooter from the weak side to the strong side as the defense defended the drive. You can easily put your number 1 scoring option in the 3 spot as an adjustment. See More

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Basketball Play - Motion Breakdowns 2/0 Shallow Cut Flare Drill

Motion Breakdowns 2/0 Shallow Cut Flare Drill

Randy Sherman 02/16/2015

Introduce flare screens by using a shallow cut. Line of players with a ball at the slot (screeners), Line of players at wing (cutters). Coach begins the drill with a ball as well. Work the drill on both sides of the court! Shallow Cut Tips: When dribbled at, the wing (player 2) back cuts towards the post then loops to the slot replacing player 1 Cut hard, hold for a count in the post, then sprint to slot Flare Screen Tips: Cutter: Quick basket cut then come off the flare screen Screener: Call the screen! ("Joey! Joey! Flare! Flare!") Screener: Jumpstop into the screen, screener's back should be pointing towards corner of the court, Hold the screen then slip to basket, call "slip! slip!" See More

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Basketball Play - YSU vs UWGB 3-2 Zone D

YSU vs UWGB 3-2 Zone D

Kevin Bruinsma 02/14/2015

The turning point of our game on Wednesday Vs. Green Bay was when Green Bay went to their 3-2 zone defense. This is their defense they go to when they need to change momentum or they are on the ropes. Unfortunately for us down the stretch it did just that and they were able to come back and win the game. They attempted to go to it earlier in the second half and we had a set play ready for it. We executed it really well and got an open 3-pointer for our best shooter. Because of our preparation and execution we were able to pull them out of the 3-2 early in the second half. The play design gave our PG a screen forcing the corner guy of the zone to rotate up and play the ball. That then forced Green Bay's center to sprint out to the corner to guard our best shooter. We created a mis-match. See More

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Basketball Play - Ballscreen Shooting (2)

Ballscreen Shooting (2)

Kyle Gilreath 02/13/2015

Yesterday I shared Part 1 of Ballscreen Shooting which incorporated three different types of screening actions. The technique the throw-behind in Frame 1, is essentially a quick evade dribble. You are trying to throw the ball out in front of you, in an effort to create separation from the hedging defender, while also making it difficult for the initial defender to recover in time before the quick release jumper. Do not allow your players to just go through the motions, set a goal to reach during each set. Example: You MUST go 7-for-10 before moving to the next sequence. See More

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