Wing Deny-Close Outs
04/25/2015Wing Deny/Close Out Drill Teaching Tips: When Coach has the ball at top of circle both defenders are denying v-cuts Goal #1: knock away deflection Goal #2: force offensive player to catch going away from the basket with his/her back to the rim Force offensive players to baseline checkpoint. DO NOT GET DRIVEN OVER THE TOP! Monitor close out technique If offensive player attempt to drive middle, reach step and force your man back up the rooftop As the player you're guarding moves closer to the rim on v-cut, close the space. As they move to perimeter, stay in deny stance but move closer to the ball. Drill Advancements: Coach attempts to penetrate. Wing defender DOES NOT open up to help seal drive. Instead he/she stays in deny stance and "plugs the drive with butt" Wing player attacks baseline. Help defender helps to seal drive outside the lane Allow wing players to cross screen for one another Instruct wing player to attempt an over-the-top drive every time they catch. Defeders should reach step and force ball-handler back up the rooftop. See More
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