Circle Movement Shooting Drill - FastModel Sports

Published 11/01/2012 by Coach Czes Favorite Send to FastDraw Print Embed

About This Play/Drill

We run this combination drill for 10 minutes with half of the team on each end of the court, starting on the right side.  We do 1:30 shot fake and drive, 1:30 shot fake-escape dribble jumper, and 2:00 catch and shoot.  Then we switch ENDS (they are now all on the left side of court) and work back down.  2:00 catch and shoot, 1:30 shot fake-escape dribble jumper, 1:30 shot fake and drive.  We stress ball fakes before the pass, jump stop finishes, great closeouts, making great shot fakes, calling names out on passes, and covering ground with our dribble.

  • Basketball Play - Circle Movement Shooting Drill
  • Basketball Play - Circle Movement Shooting Drill
  • Basketball Play - Circle Movement Shooting Drill
  • Basketball Play - Circle Movement Shooting Drill
  • 1 attacks elbow with dribble move, jump stops, ball fakes, passes to 2 circle moving (calling out 2's name on the pass), then closes out on the shooter.

  • Start with shot fake and drive off the baseline...jump stop finish or dunk.

  • Then shot fake-escape dribble jumpers...sell the shot fake and cover ground with the dribble.

  • Then catch and shoot...Working on quick release with defender closing out.