C2E Crossover Spin-Handle Permutations - FastModel Sports

Published 01/16/2015 by Rick Allison Favorite Send to FastDraw Print Embed

About This Play/Drill

This is a training progression for one or more players to improve their ballhandling transtions from one or more crossovers into a spin crossover. It begins with a simple front cross into spin crossover and progresses to more challenging combinations and permutations as the player develops more confidence and dexterity. Alternating dominant and non-dominant hands are incorporated to facilitate movement across the court. 

  • Basketball Play - C2E Crossover Spin-Handle Permutations

    FRAME 1


    [note: Description is per this illustration..could have players turned around or starting on other sideline. Key aspect of progression is to have pound dribble on side toward direction of travel (illustrated by red dashed line).]

    - Each player is on the left sideline, has a ball in their left hand, is in a double-wide stance, and is facing the midcourt line (left shoulder pointing in direction of the opposite sideline)

    - movement starts with a left hand pound dribble, into a front crossover to the right hand, and then a spin crossover by pulling the ball and reverse pivoting 180 degrees on the left foot into a right hand pound dribble on the right side

    - the player is now facing the baseline with the ball in the right hand on the right side and has progessed one body width toward the opposite sideline

    - the pound dribble after the spin crossover actually begins the reverse action for the next front crossover and spin (i.e., right hand pound dribble into a right to left hand front crossover and left hand reverse pivot spin off the right foot)

    - by alternating the right hand and left hand spin move in this manner the player progresses to the opposite sideline (see video clip for movement progression)

    - this progression provides numerous right and left hand repetitions to allow incremental refinement, and facilitates improvements in the hand placement for the transition into the spin move (a particularly

    difficult maneuver for many players)

    - emphasis should be on proper weight shifting and balance, wide lateral displacement, low crossover and hand positioning, and increasing quickness

  • Basketball Play - C2E Crossover Spin-Handle Permutations

    FRAME 2

    Return trip (change front crossover to through-the-legs crossover before spin):

    [note: Description is per this illustration..could have players turned around or starting on other sideline. Key aspect of progression is to have pound dribble on side toward direction of travel (illustrated by red dashed line).]

    - On return trip, each player is now on the right sideline, has a ball in their right hand, is in a double-wide stance, and is again facing the midcourt line (right shoulder pointing in direction of the starting sideline)

    - movement starts with a right hand pound dribble, into a through-the-legs crossover to the left hand, and then a spin crossover by pulling the ball and reverse pivoting 180 degrees on the right foot into a left hand pound dribble on the left side

    - the player is now facing the baseline with the ball in the left hand on the left side and has progessed one body width toward the starting sideline

    - the pound dribble after the spin crossover again begins the reverse action for the next through-the-legs crossover and spin (i.e., left hand pound dribble into a left to right hand through-the-legs crossover and right hand reverse pivot spin off the left foot)

    - by alternating the right hand and left hand spin move in this manner the player progresses to the opposite sideline (see video clip for movement progression)

    - emphasis should again be on proper weight shifting and balance, wide lateral displacement, low crossover and hand positioning, and increasing quickness

  • Basketball Play - C2E Crossover Spin-Handle Permutations

    FRAME 3

    Repeat Outbound (change through-the-legs crossover to behind back crossover):

    [note: Description is per this illustration..could have players turned around or starting on other sideline. Key aspect of progression is to have pound dribble on side toward direction of travel (illustrated by red dashed line).]

    - Each player is again on the left sideline, has a ball in their left hand, is in a double-wide stance, and is facing the midcourt line (left shoulder pointing in direction of the opposite sideline)

    - movement now starts with a left hand pound dribble, into a behind-the-back crossover to the right hand, and then a spin crossover by pulling the ball and reverse pivoting 180 degrees on the left foot into a right hand pound dribble on the right side

    - the player is now facing the baseline with the ball in the right hand on the right side and has progessed one body width toward the opposite sideline

    - the pound dribble after the spin crossover begins the reverse action for the next behind-the-back crossover and spin (i.e., right hand pound dribble into a right to left hand behind-the-back crossover and left hand reverse pivot spin off the right foot)

    - by alternating the right hand and left hand spin move in this manner the player progresses to the opposite sideline (see video clip for movement progression)

    - the behind-the-back crossover to spin crossover handle is a tough manuever that many players struggle with..dropping the hips and keeping hands low can help improve the ball-hand transfer

    - emphasis should again be on proper weight shifting and balance, wide lateral displacement, low crossover and hand positioning, and increasing quickness

  • Basketball Play - C2E Crossover Spin-Handle Permutations

    FRAME 4

    Repeat return trip (mix it up now by sequencing to a different crossover before each spin):

    - sequence would be as follows: pound/front cross/spin.. pound/through-the-legs/spin.. pound/behind-the-back/spin.. [repeat]

    - emphasis should again be on proper weight shifting and balance, wide lateral displacement, low crossover and hand positioning, and increasing quickness

  • Basketball Play - C2E Crossover Spin-Handle Permutations

    FRAME 5

    Advanced permutations:

    1) Inside-out series: add inside-out move before pre-spin crossovers. For example:

    - trip 1 (pound/inside-out/front cross/spin)

    - trip 2 (pound/inside-out/thru-the-legs/spin)

    - trip 3 (pound/inside-out/behind-the-back/spin)

    - trip 4 (mix it up)

    2) triple permutation series:

    - trip 1 (pound/front cross/front cross/front cross/spin)

    - trip 2 (pound/front/thru-the-legs/front/spin)

    - trip 3 (pound/front/thru/behind-the-back/spin)

    - trip 4 (pound/thru/behind/front/spin)

    - trip 5 (pound/thru/behind/behind/spin)

    - trip 6 (pound/behind/behind/behind/spin)

    etc., etc., etc.

