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Basketball Play - Davidson Wildcats Double Stagger Chase

Davidson Wildcats Double Stagger Chase

Randy Sherman 03/12/2016

Needing a three at the end of game to force overtime, the Davidson Wildcats ran this ATO. The set features some great #MotionOffenseTips such as widening second screeners in a stagger, second cutting opposite the cutter and "taking out the help" by the cutter. Keys to the play: Cutters must tight curl Second screener in the stagger must widen to force the longer trail Curling player must take out the help with the tight curl, thus opening the desired shooter when he bust the arc with the second cut For more on motion offense concepts.... See More

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Basketball Play - Atlanta Hawks - 3 Up BLOB

Atlanta Hawks - 3 Up BLOB

Lucas Shapiro 03/08/2016

Baseline out of bounds plays with the same formation and multiple looks can be lethal. This set is simple. The shooting guard has to read the defense. If the defense is overplaying them, they can cut to the hoop for an easy layup. Otherwise, this set should be an easy way to get an open three-pointer. See More

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