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Basketball Play - Circle Trap

Circle Trap

Kyle Gilreath 03/21/2012

Drill Starts with coach having the ball -Three offensive players around the circle -Three defenders inside the circle splitting the gaps On the pass the two closest defenders (X1 & X2) trap 3 with active hands & NO FOULING. X3 plays safety and trys to antcipate and take away passes to 1 & 2. 3 must rip the ball high/low & fake a pass to make a pass. Goal is to fake to get X3 going one way and pass to the other guard. Offense MUST stay outside the circle. See More

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Basketball Play - Drill of the Day 11-03-2011: 1/2 Court Deny Post Flash

Drill of the Day 11-03-2011: 1/2 Court Deny Post Flash

FastModel Sports 11/03/2011

Drill starts with one defender in middle of paint. Two offensive flashers on one block, one on the other. Two passers out on top or wings. Coach begins drill by passing opposite of two flasher side. On pass, one player flashes to ball-side high post. Defender denies flash - bumps the cutter. On the skip across, defender drops to I. Cutter goes to opposite block. The opposite block player would then flash Same action to opposite side. Run for :30 per defender or so. See More

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Basketball Play - Messina Transition Drill (3v3 Continuous)

Messina Transition Drill (3v3 Continuous)

Kostas Kalogeropoulos 10/04/2022

Great transition drill, good for conditioning and decision making on the fly. Team is divided in two groups of six players each (blue - white). Three players from blue team begin the drill by attacking and then running back to defense (defensive transition). Defensive players (white team) pass the ball to their teammates waiting outside the court. So, the flow for each three players sub-group is this: offense and back to defense, then out. Offense has only six seconds to take a shot since getting the ball in backourt. The team scoring five points first wins the set, every basket counts for one, if a shooting foul is commited then one point is awarded. Play to two or three winning sets. Variations: a) increase offense time to eight seconds and apply early pick and roll or any transition action you like to run. b) make tunrovers count as minus one point, to make players serious about their decision making. c) count game like score and play to 11 points. See More

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Basketball Play - Box Corner Sprint BLOB

Box Corner Sprint BLOB

Matt Hackenberg 02/14/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a set play out of a box alignment for a flare screen three. This action is interesting to me because chasing a shooter that doesn't have the ball to the weak side goes against a lot of defensive principles that coaches teach. If the screen is swtiched, 5 should look to shape up. 4 has ample space to dive into after screening for 3 in an action I would regard as false motion. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO See More

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Basketball Play - Flat Back Dive BLOB

Flat Back Dive BLOB

Matt Hackenberg 01/18/2022

In this diagram and embedded video we look at a BLOB play. I like that in this play the 2 players rising create more space to find openings for the back screen action. With less defenders in the equation, defensive slips can be magnified. If the rise players are not respected, there is an easy and safe inbound to them. Visit my Sellfy store for detailed coaching materials written by me - Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO See More

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Basketball Play - Zone Set: Overload Flash

Zone Set: Overload Flash

Matt Hackenberg 12/25/2021

In this diagram and video clip we see a zone set to overload the defense. The object is to have four offensive players in the area of three defensive players, and force the defense to "guard air." Video below. Browse more coaching content available on the Sellfy store: Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO See More

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Basketball Play - Euro Ball Screen Offense ("Wave")

Euro Ball Screen Offense ("Wave")

Matt Hackenberg 12/09/2021

In 2014, the team I was coaching lost in the Ohio High School State Finals to a GREAT defensive team. We ran our entire offensive package (dribble drive, sets, high ball screens, etc.) at them and could not get any good looks. The feeling from that game led me on a search to find a great continuity offense that included screening, ball reversals and the option to use it for interior shots or perimeter shots. The search culminated in finding the 5-Out Euro Ball Screen Offense from watching the Olympics. We took the basics of the offense, added some bells and whistles, and made it something that could accomplish all we were looking for in an offense. We incorporated sets out of the flow of the offense, motion numbered cutting principles and various entries to spice things up. We put all that information into 45 extremely detailed pages of a PDF file on this offense and all the teaching points involved in making it your offense. To purchase the PDF, click here: Aquinas' main man-to-man offense from the 2014-15 season was continuity ball screen attack we called "Wave." It was our first year running it as our main offense but used it as a set play the previous season. We were able to use a lot of different features within the offense to attack our opponents and many of those features are outlined in this video. Depending on the strengths of the players, the offense can be more tailored for the perimeter or the interior. We used multiple entries including several not shown on the video and numbered cut system so the players could communicate which screens and cuts they were about to make. Browse more coaching content available on the Sellfy store: Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO See More

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