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Basketball Play - Sideline Omaha

Sideline Omaha

NHSBCA NHSBCA 11/26/2012

1 screens for 2 to receive inbounds pass. 2 passes to 1 shaping up as 4 screens down for 3. 1 hits 3 on wing for shot. If 3 doesn't have the shot, 4 lane screens for 5 and 1 flare screens for 2. 3 can hit 2 for the shot. If the flare is not open, 3 looks to feed 5 in the post. 5 sets a side ball screen for 3. 3 can reject the screen and attack baseline (4 spaces to weak side corner) or use the screen (4 circles to ball side corner) and look for the roll or a shooter circling right. See More

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Basketball Play - Motion Offense

Motion Offense

Basketball HQ 11/10/2012

Keep the ball and players moving until the defense breaks down and there is an open shot or driving lane. Cut hard without the ball and maintain good spacing. Keep the ball moving and hit your teammates when they are open. This play is from the 2011-2012 Georgia Southern season. See More

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Basketball Play - Low


Luke Riegel 11/06/2012

A quick hitting 2-3 zone set that puts pressure on the bottom wing of the zone to make a decision on who to guard. Your point-guard needs to be able to make the right decision and find the open man; either 5 on the block or 3 in the corner. Most of the time, X4 will try to go out and guard 3 on wing, leaving 5 open on the block. See More

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