U of Michigan-Dearborn - 14 Flat - FastModel Sports

Published 02/07/2018 by Dymetrius Ware Favorite Send to FastDraw Print Embed

About This Play/Drill

I used this 1-4 set at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. We would run it in late-half or game situatons with about 10 seconds left. It has the option of going for 2 or a 3 if open.

  • Basketball Play - U of Michigan-Dearborn - 14 Flat

    5 ball screens for 1. 4 will sets a screen for 3 who runs to opposite corner. 2 cuts high to the ball side corner. After screening, 4 posts on opposite block.

  • Basketball Play - U of Michigan-Dearborn - 14 Flat

    1 has all options available: score it themself, 4 in post if help comes to defend the drive, 2 in ball side corner, 3 drifting up to weak side wing, and 5 on a pitch back.