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Basketball Play - Minnesota Timberwolves - Wedge STS Lob

Minnesota Timberwolves - Wedge STS Lob

Matt Wheeler 11/27/2017

The Minnesota Timberwolves have added this set to their playbook to get Jimmy Butler a lob after a ball reversal. The play starts with a wedge action with 2 cutting into the post off of the screen from 1. As the ball is reversed to the weak side 2 sets a back screen for 3, then sets his man up to receive a screen from 5. While this is happening 3 keeps cutting to the corner to clear basket area of defenders. Then 2 rejects the screen from 5 and cuts to the basket for the lob. See More

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Basketball Play - Zipper Series

Zipper Series

Timothy Hipps 11/13/2017

Zipper Series Breakdown Zipper = a cut off a down screen up the free throw lane line. 3 sets that involve a Zipper action as the base and finish with a different aciton: America, Slice and Flex. Zipper Series plays are great for a players who have difficulty getting open, or a point guard who is a primary scorer. This plays also works well against teams who deny off the ball. As each set begins the same way, the defense does not know which action is coming after the Zipper, making it difficult to scout and guard. See More

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Basketball Play - Detroit Pistons - Slice U

Detroit Pistons - Slice U

Jordan Petersen 11/13/2017

The Detroit Pistons ran this action against the Minnesota Timberwolves. It has a lot of different options out of it. 1 can receive a pass after the back screen. If 1 does not receive the pass then they go set the flex screen for 2. After setting the screen they receive a down screen from 4. 5 makes the read on who is open between 2 or 1. See More

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Basketball Play - Spead Series - Floppy

Spead Series - Floppy

Diccon Lloyd-Smeath 11/08/2017

Iberostar Tenerife Coach Txus Vidoretta runs a creative use of 5 Out, Lithuania Break to enter Floppy. With every action in the Spread Series, if there is no advantage, it flows straight into a Spread Ball Screen. In this case, running the full action means the defender on the screen is late to hedge and the on-ball defender cheats under - leading to an instant re-screen and a dunk for the roll man. See More

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Basketball Play - Spread Series - Flow

Spread Series - Flow

Diccon Lloyd-Smeath 11/01/2017

Iberostar Tenerife 2016/17 - Coach Txus Vidoretta. One of the most destructive Offenses in Europe! From a 5 Out Spread Set, Tenerife used Flow Actions to get shots at the rim, hit the roller and kick out 3's. This set is a great way to maximise talent as it get's everyone involved, involves all 5 players moving, multiple screening actions, Dribble Handoofs, ball reversal and offers multiple scoring opportunities. See More

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