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Basketball Play - 4v2 - Horizontal Passes

4v2 - Horizontal Passes

Randy Sherman 10/11/2016

QUAD Offense Breakdown Drill 4v2 Horizontal Passing Horizontal pass = basket cut The defended players are live and can attack double gaps, receive passes on basket cuts and relay passes, attack when they are the dynamic player and have an advantage In the final two frames the defended players are live and can make chest and shoulder help reads. QUAD Offense Playbook... For more info on advantage based offense.... See More

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Basketball Play - Continuous Loops (2v2)

Continuous Loops (2v2)

Randy Sherman 11/16/2016

QUAD Offense breakdown drills In 2v2 Continuous Loops the objective is to teach the driving player and the wing a few basic concepts of the QUAD Offense. "Chest Help" "Shoulder Help" "Fill Behind Drives" "Rugby Toss" "Enlarger the Defense" These concepts come from Canada Basketball and Italian Coach Mario DeSisti QUAD Offense Playbook.... See More

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