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Basketball Play - 4 vs 3 No Threes

4 vs 3 No Threes

Randy Brown 12/15/2014

In my college experiences I've worked with some of the best defensive coaches in the business; Tim Floyd, Kevin O'Neill, Larry Eustachy, and Gary Garner. Each of them ran tough, competitive practices with demanding drills. Here is one that will really help your half court defense. Getting to three point shooters is important to a solid half court defense. This diagrammed drill is based on getting to the shooting and taking away the open three. It demands great communication, rotation, anticipation, closing out, being there on the catch, vision, blocking out and rebounding with two hands. If three defenders can successfully defend four players in this drill then your game time defense will shut down any opponent's three point shooting. DEFENSIVE RULES: 1. Must be there on the catch by offense 2. Ball pressure at all times 3. Communication entire possession 4. Two non-on ball defenders protect basket and lay ups 5. Secure rebound with two hands Getting to three point shooters is important to a solid half court defense. This diagrammed drill is based on getting to the shooting and taking away the open three. It demands great communication, rotation, anticipation, closing out, being there on the catch, vision, blocking out and rebounding with two hands. If three defenders can successfully defend four players in this drill then your game time defense will shut down any opponent's three point shooting. DRILL OPTIONS: 1. When does drill end? You can designate the number of passes, the number of threes taken away, or time. 2. If you set conditions and a defender or defenders violates it, you start possession over. 3. Conditions could include being there on the catch, hand up on closeout, communication re: who has ball, vision, three block outs, rebound the ball with two hands. 4. Can use this as a three man drill or a team drill; i.e.-8 players white and 3 players red. See More

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Basketball Play - Three Lane Fly

Three Lane Fly

Alan Peel 11/13/2014

This is a drill designed to help build a transition offense and to condition through practice. For this drill, dribbling and traveling are prohibited while only lay-ups are permitted. For more, check out my website, sign up for a membership and get your first 30 days free. See More

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Basketball Play - 2v2 Full Court Get Back

2v2 Full Court Get Back

Drew Hanlen 11/01/2013

Live 2v2 in the half-court. The Black Team starts by attacking the Red Team. As soon as the Black Team scores or gets stopped, one member from the Red Team has to take the ball out of bounds and inbounds to the coach at the top of the key, while the Black Team players that just played offense have to sprint back on defense. As soon as the coach at the top of the key receives the inbounds pass, he will pass to the coach on the opposite side of the court. Once the second coach receives the ball, he will hit either of the new players from the Red Team (3 or 4) and it will be live 2v2 against the Black Team players that sprinted back on defense. Offense to Defense. Defense to Inbound Passer. Inbound Passer and other Teammate to back of your team lines. Black Team vs Red Team. Keep track of points scored for six minutes. Loser has punishment for every point they lose by (sprints, defensive slides, closeouts, push ups, etc) Rules on Offense: Three dribbles MAX and one pass per possession. See More

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Basketball Play - New Jersey Nets Transition

New Jersey Nets Transition

Daniel Murphy 10/18/2013

One of my favorite transition drills. Got this from Coach Bob Hurley Sr. who I believe got it from the NJ Nets-hence the name NJ nets transition. I like to use of shot clock to keep the offense aggressive. 6-7 seconds for the first trip and add a second or two each time so when it's 5-4 there are around 12 seconds to attack. If you really need to condition a player always have them shoot the FT or start on the court as defense. Keep score however you would like. 2's and 3's or points for O and D boards. Run for 6-8 minutes or 15 if you really need to condition. See More

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Basketball Play - 3-3 Conversion

3-3 Conversion

Daniel Murphy 09/30/2013

Drill stolen from Coach Bob Hurley of St. Anthony H.S. He in turn got it from Dick Harter. As a rule the player who defensive rebounds or takes the ball out of bounds after a score is on offense and the old offense always converts to defense. This is similar to 11 man break or other 3-3 drills where the defense comes in from the sideline, but in my opinion is a little more practical because the defense had to convert from offense and is in a more realistic game scenario. Many successful coaches believe transition defense is one of the top 3 skills a team must have. As such, defensive transition should be drilled daily. A note about drills-make sure to teach the skills you want. Stopping the ball, protecting the basket, communicating, screening, passing, cuttining etc. You can play this drill for a set amount of time ie. 8 minutes and keep score. Depending on what you as a coach want to emphasize, points can be given or taken for offensive rebounds, turnovers etc. Because it is 3-3 conversion, a short clock can be used to promote an aggressive offensive attack. See More

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