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Basketball Play - Post Passing 3v1

Post Passing 3v1

Jordan Petersen 09/12/2018

Drill tht combines many skills. Working on passing into the post, passing out of the post, and shooting. Defenders can be added or moved to guard any offensive player. Read about tip to Playing Inside Out Click here for more plays and drills from Jordan Petersen! See More

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Basketball Play - Free Play Game

Free Play Game

Michael Shaughnessy 08/27/2018

This is a great drill/workout to use for individual training. I have used this countless times with players and it keeps them engaged and having fun. It challenges them by putting them in various situations where they are forced to make shots and free throws when it counts. Give it a try! See More

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Basketball Play - Run Out Shooting 1v1

Run Out Shooting 1v1

Michael Shaughnessy 08/27/2018

Having players that can knock down shots is obviously a huge advantage for any team. The more players a team has that are high percentage shooters, the better that team will be on the offensive end of the floor. It's not just about making the shots when they are wide open, but also being able to make shots without being distracted by a defender attempting to run a shooter off the 3pt line. This drill is a great way to add that defensive element to make your shooting drills more game-like for players. Emphasize focus on the basket and not thinking twice with a defender closing out. Give it a try! Check out Mike's #FastModelTakeover Twitter Moment for an inside look at the life of a pro skills trainer and some awesome player development content! See More

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Basketball Play - Go Gets: Shot, Go, Pass

Go Gets: Shot, Go, Pass

Michael Shaughnessy 08/21/2018

Here is a progression to my last post call "Go Gets". This drill adds in verbal or non-verbal communication forcing the players to be shot ready before catching the ball and have to react quickly within sustaining the correct habits. This also adds different actions working on passing and re-spacing on kick outs into different actions. It's a great way to have fun and challenge your players through just playing basketball (pass, move, drive, finish, shoot). Check out Mike's #FastModelTakeover Twitter Moment for an inside look at the life of a pro skills trainer and some awesome player development content! See More

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Basketball Play - Advance Pass Closeouts

Advance Pass Closeouts

Michael Shaughnessy 08/17/2018

Here is a 1v1 drill that I use to put a sense of urgency on all of the players involved. It develops our guards to get in a habit of advancing the ball over half court with the pass, sprint to the corner in transition, and defensively sprint back to the paint before fanning out to their match up. Take a look and hopefully it is something that you can add to your workouts or practices for your players. See More

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Basketball Play - Pick & Roll Decision Making

Pick & Roll Decision Making

Michael Shaughnessy 08/17/2018

Great for group workouts forcing the players involved to communicate. Instead of just dictating who is shooting & passing, the ball-handler is forced to make a decision based off their teammates communication. Everyone involved in the drill is held accountable through every detail. The ball-handler has to come off with pace and use their eyes to see what's in front of them and their teammate before making a decision. The ball-handler's teammate has to be vocal and be shot ready. The drill will only go as smooth as the players communcation and togetherness. It forces them to take ownership as they must do when they get to the season. View: Mike Shaughnessy #FastModelTakeover - Twitter Moment See More

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Basketball Play - Nail Drive & Kick: 1v1 Closeout

Nail Drive & Kick: 1v1 Closeout

Michael Shaughnessy 08/17/2018

One of the best ways to create catch & shoot 3's is by getting dribble penetration into the paint, forcing the defense to collapse, kicking out for rhythm shots. In this drill, there is decision making involved for the ball handler to make the correct pass once they get downhill into the box. The decision making that is added to this drill allows players to develop making quick decisions and ultimately making the right play. The best way to collapse a defense and force them to scramble is by having all 5 players on the floor with the ability to make the drive, pass, or shot. View: Mike Shaughnessy #FastModelTakeover - Twitter Moment See More

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Basketball Play - Blind Shooting

Blind Shooting

Michael Shaughnessy 08/17/2018

This is a shooting drill I started using this summer that adds decision-making for the player and holds them accountable to to be shot ready at all times. The pace of the game is always changing where players have to make quick decisions when receiving the basketball. Coaches can't stand when the ball "sticks" and there is a lack of movement. Players have to develop these reactionary skills in order to be one step ahead of the defense when receiving the ball that will not just benefit the player, but the team. Adding in "commands" where players have to process information during drills is an element that I feel will take skill development to a another level. View: Mike Shaughnessy #FastModelTakeover - Twitter Moment See More

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