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Basketball Play - KU Break

KU Break

Joel Hueser 10/04/2016

Picked this drill up years ago from Coach Roy Williams when he was at Kansas. We love the attention to detail it demands from our players. For example, all four of our fundamental passes are repped: 1) chest pass 2) bounce pass 3) overhead or scoop pass, and 4) baseball pass. KU Break also teaches proper fastbreak spacing, crack-back positioning, outlet and communication. See More

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Basketball Play - Illini Fastbreak Game

Illini Fastbreak Game

Joel Hueser 10/04/2016

Illini Break is a competitive, team transition drill. The offense has the advantage and gets to play fast. Forcing the defense to get back with a high sense of urgency. We want to always fastbreak on defense. But first, we must emphasize our offensive board coverage (OBC). Then, if we do not secure the offensive rebound, all five players must get into the habit of always sprinting back. We consider your first three steps “out of the gate” as the most important. Guarding the basket is our number one priority and then stopping the ball. Once back, all five defenders need to establish ball side and help side position. This drill demands that, and more. Get ahead of the ball! No back pedaling, buddy running (remaining side by side with your match-up) and/or pouting after a missed shot or turnover. See More

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Basketball Play - Creighton 100

Creighton 100

Joel Hueser 09/27/2016

Creighton 100 is a great team shooting drill that also doubles as a fun, challenging conditioner. 100 made baskets in five minutes is the minimum. Obviously, the more skilled your team is the higher the goal should be. More times than not our goal is 120 mfg's for our varsity team. Teams will discover the importance of precision passing, fundamental layup skills and positive energy. We really like to finish with this competition the day before a game. See More

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Basketball Play - Circle Shooting

Circle Shooting

Joel Hueser 09/19/2016

Circle Shooting is a very popular shooting drill, and for good reason. The drill is fundamentally sound and very efficient. You do not need a lot of space and players tend to get a high volume of shots up in minimal time. Our primary objective besides good passing and shooting is that of footwork. We teach the inside pivot so this action is perfect for such conditioning. See More

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Basketball Play - Continuous Blast-Cuts

Continuous Blast-Cuts

Joel Hueser 09/13/2016

A good motion offense is hard to guard; all the while maintains good floor balance and spacing. This is done by cutting and replacing. Continuous blast cuts is a two line shooting drill that teaches just that. Our primary motion cut after passing off the top is toward the basket (aka basket cut). When that happens it is important to fill the open spot from the weakside with a blast cut. In doing so we like to emphasize the following: 2 Step Rule - Take your defender two steps toward the basker before blasting to the top. Recruit the Glute - Blast off of your baseline foot. Change of Speed - We like to say go in slow and come out fast. Outside Hand - Provide and pass to the outside hand away from the defense. Inside Pivot - We teach the inside pivot. On the catch, square up to the basket and look RPA (rim, post, action). This drill progresses through four phases: Catch & Shoot Shot Fake Blow-by Foot Fake Crossover Back-cut This is a great team shooting drill to incorporate at all levels: elementary ages to professional! See More

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Basketball Play - 4 Corner Shooting (WPD)

4 Corner Shooting (WPD)

Joel Hueser 09/06/2016

Motion offense is one of our program pillars. 4 Corner Shooting (WPD) is one of our favorite motion team shooting drills. This drill is not only a good shooting drill, but it also incorporates game-like passing and cutting fundamentals. 4 Corner Shooting (WPD) works best with 8 players and 4 basketballs. We concentrate on four different cuts, but additional cuts could easily be added. Our motion principles emphasize wide pin down screens. From this action, 4 cuts may happen based on how the defense guards the action. 1. Straight Cut – More times than not this is the cut made coming off of a wide pin down screen. There is usually just enough time to catch and shoot. We teach and emphasize the inside-pivot, but still have a few athletes who are more comfortable hopping into their shot. 2. Curl – When the defender chases the 1st cutter over the screen, it is important to curl (or as we say, tight curl) into the paint and attack the basket. 3. Flare – When the defender goes under the screen, the screener is taught to reposition his screening angle and the 1st cutter flares to the open spot. 4. Reject – Also, very aggressive teams will try to blow up your screen and beat the 1st cutter to the spot. At this point, we are teaching a back cut. Another important teaching point is that of the second cutter. We like to say, “Finish your cuts!” One example of this is for the 2nd cutter (screener) to read the 1st cutter and go opposite in direction. The drill sequence is as follows: 1) pass first 2) screen second 3) shoot third 4) rebound last 5) change lines. Our team goal is always 15 or more mfg’s for every minute. We will either go for 8 minutes or 4 minutes; depending on our time allotted. To date our best ever is 135 mfg’s in 8 minutes. Again, 120 mfg’s is a very realistic goal for high school players. See More

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Basketball Play - 321 Dribbling

321 Dribbling

John Leonzo 08/08/2016

Begin at half court with one basketball in a low and ready stance. The player will speed dribble to the three point line and then complete a dribble move to change hands/change direction. After the dribble move the player will push the ball out to attack the basket at the rim. There are 3 series to this drill. Do each series 1 time. See More

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Basketball Play - 5 Guard 7 Shell

5 Guard 7 Shell

Rory Hamilton 08/03/2016

This is the last drill we do as a team to work on our team slides and communication. Defense is obviously at a disadvantage so they must have tremendous bounce, effort, and communication. Drill is live and offense tries to score but penetration can only come from the 4 corners of the floor. Block players are stationary and the elbow offensive player goes elbow to elbow. This is a competitive drill and we keep score of both points and offensive rebounds. By putting the defense at a disadvantage by guarding 7 players, we feel guarding 5 will be much easier. See More

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