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Basketball Play - Hand Off Double

Hand Off Double

Randy Brown 01/22/2014

This is a two option play. Starts in 1-4 high set and ball is entered to 4. 1 follows pass to receive hand off and drive to right wing. 4 dives to right post area to seal and catch from 1. Second option is 2 coming off a 3-5 double screen. See More

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Basketball Play - High Stacks

High Stacks

Randy Brown 01/21/2014

This play starts in high stacks and is initiated by 1 dribbling to right wing. 2-4 back screen with 2 catching on top. Weak side down 5-3 down screen to free 3. On 3's catch 4 cuts to high post and 5 seals defender in paint. An open shot for 4 is created or a post seal by 5. See More

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Basketball Play - 14 High Low

14 High Low

Randy Brown 01/20/2014

Starts in 1-4 high set with entry pass to 4. 1 accepts flare screen from 5 to catch on left wing. 5 dives to basket after screening and 3 clears to right corner. On 4-1 pass, 5 back screens for 2 and receives down screen from 4. 5 looks for open jump shot or high low pass to 4 stepping into the paint. See More

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Basketball Play - 5 Thru

5 Thru

Alan Peel 01/20/2014

Off of "Utah" action, this play can be run to get better movement on offense with a variety of screening actions. For more, check out my website, sign up for a membership, and get your first 30 days free. See More

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