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Basketball Play - Tiger


John Leonzo 04/17/2013

Here is a play that was given to me by a high school coach from Pennsylvania. This set is great because it gives your best scorer (3 in this set) multiple options for a good shot. Hopefully you can find it to be an effective play! See More

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Basketball Play - Up


Luke Riegel 04/16/2013

This quick, early offense that you can run as a half-court set or within your secondary break. If your pg is a good athlete, you can take advantage of the lob to the rim. 5 needs to set a solid backscreen to make his defender help, which should make him late to help on the ball screen. 2 needs to be aggressive and look to attack X5 off the ball screen. If 2 can't get to the rim or have an open shot, penetrating and kicking to 1 in the corner is a likely possibility. See More

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Basketball Play - Lithuania


Fabian McKenzie 04/16/2013

This set was run at the end of the break. 4 is in low blocks. 3 is wide on weakside 2 runs a rub cut off the 5 man looking for ball from 1 1 enters ball to 5 at high post After 1 hits 5, there is some misdirection 4 begins to screen for 2. 1 steps in to set the top of the staggered double screen for 2. 1 does not actually set the screen. They slip to the rim looking for the ball and get ready to screen again 5 executes a dribble handoff with 2 As the handoff is occurring, 1 and 4 are setting staggered screen for 3. After handing off to 2, 5 sets the 3rd screen in the staggered screen for 3 On the handoff, 2 tries to turn the corner to the rim or looks back to 3 coming off the triple screen. After screening, 1 pops to wing. 4 and 5 are looking for slip opportunities if the defense cheats on the staggered screen See More

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Basketball Play - Around the World Layups

Around the World Layups

Fabian McKenzie 04/15/2013

We run this drill for 8 minutes All 1's have basketballs 2's stay at their passing spots 1's will continuously pass, sprint and make layups for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes we switch quickly and 2's take balls while 1's fill passing spots We go 2 minutes on right side and 2 minutes on left side In this variation we have more people with basketballs and we eliminate the middle pass. The players must throw a longer pass. We will go for 8 minutes but we will change the 2's throughout the drill instead of stopping the drill and changing everyone at the same time We go 4 minutes on right side and 4 minutes on left side See More

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Basketball Play - "45"


Kyle Gilreath 04/15/2013

The Boston Celtics ran this big on big pick & roll over the weekend. Since it was big on big, the defense switched which allowed 4 to roll and seal on the block; giving himself a better angle at the rim on the catch. See More

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Basketball Play - Hook in Special

Hook in Special

Randy Brown 04/15/2013

This play will free 4 man in the lane for a quick score. 1 dribbles out to wing and 2 uses 5 to get free for three. 4 screens across lane for 3. As screen is set, 4 turns over left shoulder to catch quick pass from 1. Timing is crucial to make this play happen. Give it a try! See More

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Basketball Play - Fist


John Leonzo 04/12/2013

This play was shared with me by a local high school coach. This play gives you multiple scoring options going towards the basket for high percentage shots. With proper practice and execution, this play can be a winner for you! See More

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Basketball Play - Louisville Lob

Louisville Lob

Scott Creighton 04/12/2013

Louisville ran this play throughout the tournament, but executed it to perfection in the second half of the NCAA Championship vs. Michigan. Siva takes advantage of a great back screen by Dieng and Hancock delivers the perfect lob. Even though it it shown in transition phase here, it can also be effective if run from a 1-4 high or box set. See More

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Basketball Play - 23 Slide

23 Slide

Kyle Gilreath 04/12/2013

The Boston Celtics ran this play Wednesday versus the Brooklyn Nets. The Cetlics, who are facing a limited line-up with injuries have become ever more creative to utilize their healthy bodies as best as they can. This is an excellent action having a guard on guard/forward pick. It really makes the sense collapse to open up the pass out to 4. See More

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