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Basketball Play - Yo-Yo Post Set

Yo-Yo Post Set

Randy Brown 03/08/2013

This popular play will produce baskets by getting the ball inside to your best post scorer. The spacing on this play is excellent as 4 and 5 execute the Yo-Yo action using down screen and back screen. Use this as a quick hitter or ATO for post score. See More

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Basketball Play - SLOB Pinch Cut

SLOB Pinch Cut

Michael Bowden 03/07/2013

This was a set that I saw 3 times within a 3 day period from an NBA team as well as a college basketball team. This is a great set to use if you have an athletic guard to throw the ball in, a 3 point shooter to bring to the corner and a high post who can be isolated at the elbow. See More

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Basketball Play - Hawk Go

Hawk Go

Kyle Gilreath 03/07/2013

Thursday evening on ESPN the Chicago Bulls ran this common NBA set. Versus a smart defensive team like the Spurs, you have to start pick & roll actions by freeing up the ball handlers with screening actions. By have 5 (Boozer) come off a Hawk cut to the rim, the Spurs were forced to respect him in the post and him give a second of help to prevent a post lay-up. This was just enough time to free up the 2 for a catch and then pick & pop with 4. See More

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Basketball Play - 1 high Slip into roll/replace

1 high Slip into roll/replace

Kyle Brown 03/07/2013

An action I saw a lot this past weekend. Slipping the 4 man (Someone who is a good shooter) and then he becomes the replace guy on the big roll is a tough action for the defense to guard because it forces the guy guarding 5 to really defend the ball screen well. Marquette ran this action and slipped the 5 man for a layup. See More

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Basketball Play - Motion LoGo

Motion LoGo

Kyle Gilreath 03/05/2013

The University of Florida ran this offensive set on Saturday afternoon in their victory over the Alabama Crimson Tide. Florida is not known for having very big point guards, but coach Billy Donovan does a terrific job teaching them skills all around the basket; especially in the post. In this play he sets up an off the block pick and roll with Scottie Wilbekin and Patrick Young. Some may think this play is easy to guard but with two knock down shooters in Murphy and Rosario on the perimeter, it is very difficult to help. See More

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Basketball Play - Flare Power Need 3

Flare Power Need 3

Kyle Gilreath 03/04/2013

Last night after a fierce comeback against the Indian Pacers late in the 4th quarter, the Chicago Bulls' Tom Thibodeau drew up with Sideline Out of Bounds action to get a much needed 3 pointer to tie the game. Unfortunately for the Windy City team, the shot came up short. See More

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