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Basketball Play - 10-11 Houston Rockets - Hand Off with High Post Entry with Pin Down & Slip

10-11 Houston Rockets - Hand Off with High Post Entry with Pin Down & Slip

Basketball HQ 03/04/2013

With this play you have to make sure that you lift your 3 man up towards the top of the key to clear out the paint, and take his defender out of help side position. Your 2 has to really sell that he is setting a pin down for 1 and then dive hard to the basket. Your 5 man has to be a capable of making the read on the slip and throwing a good pass to 2 for a lay up. This play is from the 2010-2011 Houston Rockets season. See More

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Basketball Play - Flood Action for 2 Man

Flood Action for 2 Man

Randy Brown 03/03/2013

Flood is a quick hitter that can produce a jump shot or quick post feed. Flood means that three players will get to one side of the floor; right side, in a quick manner. This will put 2 alone on left side so he can take advantage of 5's hard down screen. Timing and floor positioning are important. This play will yield a quick basket most of the time. Give it a try. See More

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Basketball Play - 10-11 Houston Rockets - Flare Screen with Down Screen

10-11 Houston Rockets - Flare Screen with Down Screen

Basketball HQ 03/01/2013

For this play you want to make sure that your two man is your best shooter/scorer. When he cuts off of the flare screen it may be over played, he has to do a good job of setting his defender up with 4 rescreening for a pin down. Your 3 man has to be able to make decisions and reads with 2 cutting off of the flare, and then the pin down, and the 4 man diving hard to the rim after the pin down screen. This play is from the 2010-2011 Houston Rockets season. See More

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Basketball Play - Melo-Iso


Kyle Gilreath 02/28/2013

The New York Knicks ran this action this week in their win over the Golden State Warriors. This play was designed as an iso for Carmelo Anthony but with the defense focusing on the 1-on-1 action the Knicks players do a tremendous job cutting to open areas on the floor. See More

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Basketball Play - Vegas Door

Vegas Door

Randy Brown 02/28/2013

If you are in need of a set play for a timely three then check out Vegas Door. Because most action and cuts off screens are horizontal, this play features a vertical cut up the floor. 4 and 5 are responsible for "closing the door" on the defender to create time for an open three pointer. See More

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Basketball Play - Poke WS Lob

Poke WS Lob

Mark Travis 02/28/2013

When you have a versatile shooting guard like Markel Brown that can effectively score on the wing and in the paint, forcing an isolated defender to make a choice on how to guard him before he even catches the ball can be a good way to get an easy bucket. Look how Travis Ford got Brown isolated on one side of the floor with this double high screen and roll action and how it gets Brown an open lane to the rim. See More

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Basketball Play - Hanover-Double Curl into Hand Off

Hanover-Double Curl into Hand Off

Kyle Brown 02/27/2013

A very good blob I saw from Hanover against Rose Hulman on Saturday. A different alignment and only a single guy setting the screen in the double curl action makes it harder to guard. Hanover was able to get their PG an easy layup off this look. The play could be finished a lot of different ways with screening actions on the backside or the 4 man diving to the rim. See More

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Basketball Play - BYU ATO


Michael Bowden 02/26/2013

BYU is tops in the nation when it comes to Synergy's analysis of After Time Out sets (ATO). They average a score 47-48% of the time after time outs. I have included 2 sets that they have ran this season both in the half court and out of a sideline out of bounds set. They like to take advantage of dribble handoffs and double screens to get players open. ATO and other special situation sets are very crucial this time of the year when games come down to the wire and its win or go home. See More

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