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Basketball Play - Backscreen Shooting

Backscreen Shooting

Brandon Bailey 09/28/2012

BASKET CUT (Defender gets screened): - 1 man sweeps the ball below his knees, back and forth - 2 man sets up his cut by taking defender into the screen (cone) - 2 man brushes the shoulder of the screen and cuts to the basket - 1 man sweeps the ball, dribbles once, then passes the ball to the 2 man POP CUT (Defender goes underneath the screen): - 1 man sweeps the ball below his knees, back and forth - 2 man sets up his cut by taking defender into the screen (cone) - 2 man sees the defender jump underneath the screen and pops back - 1 man sweeps the ball, dribbles once, then passes the ball to the 2 man FADE CUT (Defender goes underneath the screen on the ballside): - 1 man sweeps the ball below his knees, back and forth - 2 man sets up his cut by taking defender into the screen (cone) - 2 man sees the defender jump underneath the screen on the ballside - 2man turns the backscreen into a fade - 1 man sweeps the ball, dribbles once, then passes the ball to the 2 man See More

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Basketball Play - Yao


Coach Czes 09/28/2012

1 passes to 4 and cuts to high post 4 dribbles right and passes to 2 on wing. 1 sets UCLA screen for 4 who sets up screen for 5. 2 hits 1 shaping up as 5 curls around 4's screen. 1 hits 5 who can score or kick out to 3 for the shot. See More

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Basketball Play - Backscreen Screener Shooting

Backscreen Screener Shooting

Brandon Bailey 09/28/2012

BASKET CUT (Screeners defender helps on the screen): - 1 man sweeps the ball back and forth below his knees - 5 man sets a back screen on the wing, and holds it for a count - 5 man then goes opposite the cutter and pops - 1 man sweeps the ball below his knees, takes one dribble, and passes to the 5 man POP CUT (Cutters defender goes underneath the screen): - 1 man sweeps the ball back and forth below his knees - 5 man sets a back screen on the wing, and holds it for a count - 5 man then goes opposite the cutter and cuts to the basket - 1 man sweeps the ball below his knees, takes one dribble, and passes to the 5 man FADE CUT (Cutters defender goes underneath the screen on the ballside): - 1 man sweeps the ball back and forth below his knees - 5 man sets a back screen on the wing, and holds it for a count - Cutter's defender goes underneath ballside and cutter pops - 5 changes the angle of the screen - 5 man then goes opposite the cutter and cuts to the basket - 1 man sweeps the ball below his knees, takes one dribble, and passes to the 5 man See More

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Basketball Play - 3FTC Close-Out 3on2, 2on1

3FTC Close-Out 3on2, 2on1

Greg White 09/28/2012

This is a great drill to instill in your players how and when transition offense begins: with a rebound. The drill starts with 2 offense players and 3 defenders. The Coach passes to an offensive player who either (1) shoots a 3 or (2) shot fake and drive. Multiple things can be worked on just at this point. Shooting under pressure, close out, help on basket drive and offensive players attacking off dribble. Once the defense is in control of the ball, the drill is 3 on 2 to the other end. Whichever player shoots the basketball comes back as the defender in a 2 on 1 scenario. The two remaining players "trail" the play and become the two offensive players with the next group. See More

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Basketball Play - 4 on 4 Shell Screening

4 on 4 Shell Screening

Brandon Bailey 09/27/2012

- The coach has the ball in the middle of the floor and passes the ball to 5 - On the flight of the ball, x2 and x4 sprint to the help line, and x3 sprint to the gap and denial - The 4 head hunts and screens x2 on the helpline - 2 reads his defender and cuts to score - 5 sweeps the ball, dribbles over and delivers the ball to 2 - 4 goes opposite the cutter - x3 and x5 sprint to the help line, and x4 sprints to denial - The 5 head hunts and screens x3 on the helpline - 3 reads his defender and cuts to score - 2 sweeps the ball, dribbles over and delivers the ball to 3 - 5 goes opposite the cutter See More

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Basketball Play - Tiger


Coach Czes 09/27/2012

1 passes to 2 on wing and cuts to opposite corner. 4 steps to top of key to receive pass back from 2. 4 enters a dribble handoff with 3. 5 sets a ball screen for 3 immediately following the handoff. 2 spots up in corner. 5 rolls. See More

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