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Basketball Play - Single/Double with Flash

Single/Double with Flash

Basketball HQ 09/17/2012

The goal of this play is to get a shot off the screens for the shooters or a a back door layup for the wing after the big man catches it in the high post. But as you can see in the video those options were covered, but because they were ran well the big man’s defender had to help off and this allowed a good hand off back to the PG for a shot. Don’t let your players be robots teach them how to read and react in every play. Hit someone on a good screen, the cutter that is ball side needs to set his man up to back door him, if the big man hands the ball off he needs to dribble at the PG’s defender and try to seal him under. This play is from the 2007-2008 Chicago Bulls season. See More

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Basketball Play - Elbow Down

Elbow Down

Stephen Gentry 09/17/2012

Elbow Down is a good multi-action, long play that really forces the defense to react, move and cover several threats. I’m a big fan of long plays – if your players are cerebral enough to execute them they can be extremely difficult for the defense to cover and allows for your offense to flow. Too often when I watch games I see a team running a short set with a singular scoring action only to have it snuffed out and see the offense stop and stand. I also like long plays with multiple scoring options because it makes all 5 players feel involved in the action and forces them to be more active participants. In Elbow Down literally all 5 players have a realistic shot of scoring. See More

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Basketball Play - Single/Double


Basketball HQ 09/16/2012

The single/double screen play is a good set because it doesn’t allow the defense to cheat. There are multiple reads that you can make out of it and this keeps the defense honest. If your shooter is open off of the screens hit him, if the defensive bigs have to help out on the screen look in the post, or let the cutter just catch the ball on the wing and play out of it. Tell your big men to set good screens and then duck in hard. Cutter needs to set his man up and not be predictable on his cut. This play is from the 2007-2008 Chicago Bulls season. See More

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Basketball Play - Pin Down Post Iso Play

Pin Down Post Iso Play

Basketball HQ 09/15/2012

This play can be run for a big man or a guard but the reason you would run it is to take advantage of a size match up. If you feel that a player can take his defender in the post let him set the pin down screen and then post up. The deeper you set the pin down screen the closer your post up will be. Don’t make the post man wait on the pass, hit him as soon as he is open.This play is from the 2007-2008 Chicago Bulls season. See More

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