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Basketball Play - Carolina Flare

Carolina Flare

Rich Czeslawski 06/07/2012

Carolina Flare begins the same way as Carolina. 1 reverses to 4 who reverses to 3. 5 posts up above the ball side block. 2 sets up his backpick by moving to the weak block. 4 cuts off 2's backpick to the weak block. If he is open, 3 should "shoot" him the ball. If we need the three, 3 will not pass the ball. On 3's dribble to the top of the key, 5 will come up and set a flare screen for 2. 2 reads his defender and flares to the wing for the three point shot. 3 passes to 2 for the three point shot. 5 can slip to the basket for a layup if x5 helps on 2. Or 5 can screen away for the 4 to create our high - low motion action. See More

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Basketball Play - Charger


Rich Czeslawski 06/06/2012

Charger begins in a 1-4 high set. The 1 will enter to either 2 or 3. When the pass is made, the 1 will "UCLA" cut off the post at the elbow on his side, moving through to the block. 2/3 should pass to 1 for the layup if open. 3 cuts away to set his man up for reversal. 4 slides middle for a high cut and reversal from 2. 2 reverses the ball to 4, who has SEALED his defender with his foot to get open at the top of the key. 4 immediately reverses the ball to 3 who has made an "L" cut to get open at the opposite wing. On the reversal, 1 steps out to set a backpick for 2. 3 looks to 2 for a layup off the flex screen by 1. 3 should pass to 1 for the layup if open (unless the game situation determines that a three point basket is needed!). 4 and 5 position themselves to set a staggered double screen for the screener, 1. 3 looks to 1 for the open three point shot if open. 2 must widen to the corner if he has not received the pass. If x5 "shows" on the staggered double screen, 5 must be ready to "slip" immediately to the front of the rim for the layup. See More

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