Disrupting Back Cuts
08/03/2015Disrupting common back cut actions with pressure man principles See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawDisrupting common back cut actions with pressure man principles See More
Favorite Send to FastDraw3 on 3 on Top (side/wing ball screen) Offensive restriciton: pass and follow to the ball screen. There are many ways to teach defending ball screens. In this drill you can practice trapping the ball screen, ICEing the ball screen, flat hedging or hard hedging. Adapt it to your personal philosophy. For the #PressureManTips series, I will illustrate the hard hedge (some call this "blitz"). Points of emphasis: HEDGE: get hip-to-hip with the screener, widen the wide side of your body by extending outside arm and leg. Make the ball handler "bubble" their dribble, go with them 2-3 steps then recover. ON THE BALL: reach your away foot over the top foot of the screener and then run through the gap to recover to man and force back up the rooftop. HELP: Break the Line Rules and get to midline! even though the ball is at or above FTLE, get to midline. Look for anything "leaking" out of the ball screen (slip, roll or reject) Drill continues with pass and follow to ball screen action. See More
Favorite Send to FastDraw3-on-3 on Top part of #PressureManTips drill series. OBJ: Learning to defended downscreens and pass and screen away offense. KEY COMPONENTS: Jump to the ball move down midline pull through shoot the gap See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawUse four-player shell drill to teach all aspects of defensive postioning. Help defenders should follow line rules. Defensive players should jump to the pass as the ball moves. When players are one pass away they are in deny. When on the ball, influence to the appropriate checkpoint. Drill Advancement: Drive gaps and practice "plugging with your butt." Attack baseline an practice help and help the helper Weakside exchange from offensive players Screen away Skip passes to drill closeouts. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawThree-Player Shell Drill Offensive players line up at point, wing and wing. Pass the ball around the perimeter. Defenders are in deny when ball is centered. Follow Line Rules when ball is on the wings. Drill Advancements: Players dribble below the FT line Point attacks a gap. Wings attack baseline Pass and screen away. Pass and ball screen. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawThree-Player Shell Drill Offensive players line up at point, wing and wing. Pass the ball around the perimeter. Defenders are in deny when ball is centered. Follow Line Rules when ball is on the wings. Drill Advancements: Players dribble below the FT line Point attacks a gap. Wings attack baseline Pass and screen away. Pass and ball screen. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawThe drill introduces the rooftop concept and 1 on 1 on the ball defense. It can and should be run on both sides of the floor with larger groups, but is depicted only on one side of the floor in this diagram. On-the-ball defenders keep heels on the rooftop and influence ball handler to sideline checkpoint. Establish the proper stance angle, drag hand and lead hand. When offensive player reaches the sideline checkpoint they reverse pivot and heads back up the rooftop. The goal as the ball heads back up the rooftop is to prevent the ball handler from busting through the rooftop. See More
Favorite Send to FastDraw3 on 3 on Top (Cut & Fill) The objective of this drill is to introduce the pressure man defensive fundamentals of jumping to the pass, denying centering passes, moving to help and stance integrity. It is a basic drill that can be used to teach defending several actions, begin with cut and fill opposite action by the three offensive players. Emphasis #1 - JUMP TO THE PASS and defend the basket cut when ball goes from point to wing Emphasis #2 - On the flight of the pass from point to wing, the weakside wing defender gets to help position on the lane line Emphasis #3 - Help defenders...DO NOT allow the cutter to cross your face and catch at the nail Emphasis #4 - Deny and force your man to catch going away from the basket with their back to the rim. Place special emphasis on denying the wing-to-point centering pass. If a wing-to-point centering pass is knocked away with the outside had, reward the defense by rotating them out of the drill immediately. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawWing Deny/Close Out Drill Teaching Tips: When Coach has the ball at top of circle both defenders are denying v-cuts Goal #1: knock away deflection Goal #2: force offensive player to catch going away from the basket with his/her back to the rim Force offensive players to baseline checkpoint. DO NOT GET DRIVEN OVER THE TOP! Monitor close out technique If offensive player attempt to drive middle, reach step and force your man back up the rooftop As the player you're guarding moves closer to the rim on v-cut, close the space. As they move to perimeter, stay in deny stance but move closer to the ball. Drill Advancements: Coach attempts to penetrate. Wing defender DOES NOT open up to help seal drive. Instead he/she stays in deny stance and "plugs the drive with butt" Wing player attacks baseline. Help defender helps to seal drive outside the lane Allow wing players to cross screen for one another Instruct wing player to attempt an over-the-top drive every time they catch. Defeders should reach step and force ball-handler back up the rooftop. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawObjective: Drill for jumping to the ball in deny stance Defending long fast basket cuts Denying out and forcing catches going away from the basket Make sure on the ball defenders follow "rooftop rules" with their stance and angle. Drill Advancements: When the ball is on the wing and the cutter is emptying, have wing player make a baseline drive so defender must sit on midline and help on drive (don't chase cutter without losing sight of the ball) Coach calls "Live!" at any time and the drill becomes 4v2 Live with the two defended players as the cutter and the undefended players as screeners. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawPlace a cone at the feet throw line extended at the opposite end of the court. The offense can’t cut in towards the basket until after they reach that cone, which allows the defense a bit more time to catch up and avoids collisions at mid court. The defensive player works to track down the offensive player and make a play on the ball. It is important that players do not get out of control during this drill, and that they never hit one of their teammates while in the air...we don’t want anyone getting injured. Instead, the defender needs to work on doing one of the following: sprinting in front of the offensive player; knocking the ball out from behind; blocking the shot from behind; or catching up completely and working to stop further penetration. (Note: while this is primarily a defensive drill, it is also a great way for your players to learn to finish with pressure and/or small contact on the offensive side of the ball.) See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawStart with 4 players and a coach at each basket. Three of the players start around the three point line as the offensive team…one player on each wing and one at the top of the key. The fourth player starts on defense and is under the basket with a ball. The defensive player rolls the ball out to one of the offensive players on the wing, then they close out and defend that offensive player. The defensive player is working 1-on-1 to force a bad shot and get the defensive rebound. Once the defender secures the rebound, they move on to the next offensive player by rolling them the ball and closing out on them. The defensive player must get 3 stops in a row, one from each player on offense. This is where the defense can get “caught in the Bermuda Triangle”…if you don’t get stops you will get stuck in there! Once the defender gets all 3 stops, everyone rotates one position. The drill ends when all 4 players have made their stops as the defensive player. The coach is at the basket to call fouls, which count as a score and the defender must move on to the next offensive player. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawThis is a drill from Tom Izzo for working on your help defense. I like the way Coach Izzo lines up between the two lines and gives the help defender feedback as he teaches his help philosophy. See More
Favorite Send to FastDrawHow can you create (or recreate) drills that maximize the skills you are emphasizing to your team, while also integrating shots at the basket? For example, if you are running a drill that focuses on players attacking the basket from the wing and finishing at the hoop, you want to create a drill that gets your players as many reps as possible during that drill See More
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