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Basketball Play - Sacramento Kings - 52 Give & Go Lob

Sacramento Kings - 52 Give & Go Lob

Matt Barnthouse 10/24/2018

The Sacramento Kings run a basic read and react 2 man play here. Buddy Hield makes a cut, comes back for the handoff, and draws a double team. He recognizes Willy Cauley-Stein open near the hoop, and passes out of the double into a lob pass. Jamal Murray, who is 7 inches shorter than Cauley-Stein, is the rotation defender who stands no chance and fouls Cauley-Stein at the hoop. If you trust your players to make good decisions with the ball, and have size and athleticism, this is a nice action. See More

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Basketball Play - VCU - Tranisiton Swing Blur

VCU - Tranisiton Swing Blur

Michael Lynch 09/26/2018

The blur screen is an effective way to create a double gap in the defense. The pass and cut movement can create a temporary window for the basketball to attack into the heart of the defense. During the Shaka Smart years at Virginia Commenwealth, he used the blur screen as a secondary transition action. Once the ball is swung from slot to slot, the trailer then passes to the wing followed by a cut to ball side corner. This cutting action now opens a temporary double gap for the basketball to attack the elbow. See video below! Further studying: Creating with Blur Screens See More

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