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Basketball Play - SFA Jacks

SFA Jacks

Dana Beszczynski 03/15/2013

Stephen F. Austin Head Coach Danny Kaspar is known as one of the best defensive teachers in the country, but this opening set run against Sam Houston State takes advantage of good spacing, excellent player movement, and has multiple options to get off a good shot SFA is 25-3 this season and 15-2 in Conference, an exciting team to watch who already has a win over Oklahoma to its credit See More

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Basketball Play - Baseline Cutter Special

Baseline Cutter Special

Randy Brown 03/13/2013

In this special, staggered screens free cutters along the baseline. 4 cuts baseline first as a decoy. He catches on left wing from 1. 2 and 5 continue their staggered screen action for 3. 3 can cut, catch and score or cut and post on the left block. Final option is for 5 to use 2's screen to curl for quick shot in the paint. Give it a try! See More

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Basketball Play - 10-11 Houston Rockets - Hand Off with High Post Entry with Pin Down & Slip

10-11 Houston Rockets - Hand Off with High Post Entry with Pin Down & Slip

Basketball HQ 03/04/2013

With this play you have to make sure that you lift your 3 man up towards the top of the key to clear out the paint, and take his defender out of help side position. Your 2 has to really sell that he is setting a pin down for 1 and then dive hard to the basket. Your 5 man has to be a capable of making the read on the slip and throwing a good pass to 2 for a lay up. This play is from the 2010-2011 Houston Rockets season. See More

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