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Basketball Play - Backdoor Set Against Pressure Defenses

Backdoor Set Against Pressure Defenses

Luke Riegel 10/07/2012

When defenses have tried to deny passes to the perimeter, we've run this play to get them to back-off with their pressure. The 4 man must be able to get open at the elbow and deliever a good pass to the back-cutting 2 man once he catches. Finally, the dribble handoff allows the point guard and the 4 man to make a play on the open side of the floor. See More

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Basketball Play - Tiger


Coach Czes 09/27/2012

1 passes to 2 on wing and cuts to opposite corner. 4 steps to top of key to receive pass back from 2. 4 enters a dribble handoff with 3. 5 sets a ball screen for 3 immediately following the handoff. 2 spots up in corner. 5 rolls. See More

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Basketball Play - Handoff Comeback

Handoff Comeback

Coach Czes 09/25/2012

3 starts to cut back door, then comes back to high post. 1 hits 3 while 4 replaces 3, then cuts off of 3 looking for a handoff. 3 kicks out to 2 on the wing who looks for 5 in the post. 1 turns around and comes back to screen for 3, who comes off that screen to lane screen for 5. 2 passes to 1 shaping up in high post and looks for 5 on the other side of 3's screen. 4 spaces to corner. 2 then flare screens for 3 while 5 back screens for 4. 1 can hit 3 or 4 for a shot. See More

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Basketball Play - Transition Offense with Hand Off & Ball Screen

Transition Offense with Hand Off & Ball Screen

Basketball HQ 09/21/2012

Transition plays can be a great chance for your team to get easy buckets. If you can get your whole team down and into your offense before the defense gets set this provides a great chance to score. Make sure that if there isn’t a good look off of the transition play pull it out and run offense, don’t need to force up a bad shot. Attack off of the ball screen and get into the paint to create for your team. This play is from the 2007-2008 Chicago Bulls season. See More

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Basketball Play - Hand Off Single/Double

Hand Off Single/Double

Basketball HQ 08/28/2012

This set was run by the Chicago Bulls in the 2006-2007 season. This set works best if your point guard can shoot the ball. The play is designed to get your wing in an isolation postion off of the hand off from 4, and if he can't create his own shot, he has the point guard coming off a double screen for a three point shot, or his shooting guard coming off of a single screen for a midrange or three point shot depending on how the defense is playing. See More

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