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Basketball Play - Four-Man Break

Four-Man Break

Alan Peel 09/10/2013

This drill is designed to teach primary break by getting players to fill lanes and get the ball up the floor quickly by passing it. If you need to make sure that your players run wide, you can place cones seven feet from the sideline at half court. For more, check out my website, sign up for a membership and get your first 30 days free. For more, check out my website, sign up for a membership and get your first 30 days free. - See more at: See More

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Basketball Play - Stagger 2/3 & Shooting Breakdown

Stagger 2/3 & Shooting Breakdown

Daniel Murphy 08/03/2013

Stagger screen for either of your best shooters. If 5 man helps too much on the screen, make sure to look inside for the slip instead of screen and space. In frame 3 you can see the spacing and how 5, 3 and 1 spread the floor. If you have more coaches you can have 3 take the shot off the curl and have a coach make two passes to 1 or add another coach and have one coach pass to 1 and another coach pass to 2. See More

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Basketball Play - Loop 2 & Shooting Breakdown

Loop 2 & Shooting Breakdown

Daniel Murphy 08/02/2013

Simple entry into a side ball screen. If you are fortunate enough to have some assistant coaches or managers and can have them pass, then you can run through your offense and get game spot shots at the same time. Be creative and I'm sure you can find a way to make a shooting drill out of your 5-0 offense. This will save you time and get players realistic shots within the offense. See More

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Basketball Play - Loop 2 Chase & Shooting Breakdown

Loop 2 Chase & Shooting Breakdown

Daniel Murphy 07/31/2013

Counter to Loop 2, sets up a middle ball screen. If 1 can't pass to 2 on the wing, 2 drifts to the corner and 5 ball screens 1. After 1 throws back to 5 on the pick and pop, 5 can shoot, dribble hand off with 2, pass to 2 and follow for the corner pick and roll, or drive at 2's defender to draw the help and kick out for an open 3. Coaches can pass to make this a 5-0 offensive drill in addition to a game spot shooting drill. See More

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Basketball Play - 1-Hand Pass Follow Pick & Roll

1-Hand Pass Follow Pick & Roll

Kyle Gilreath 07/19/2013

Teaching your players to effectively and efficiently pass with 1 hand will improve skills and power and become overall better passers. The key to this drill is teaching both passers how to catch the ball and obsorb the force into your hand like a spring and fire the pass back from the shoulder area. When setting the pick & roll/pop many coaches force their players to roll opening their chest up so they never turn their back to the ball. I like to give my players the option to roll either way depending on their comfort level. (turning over their low shoulder or opening up). I personally prefer the quick turn (instead of opening to the ball) because it is quicker and the screener can create more space more efficiently. If they choose to turn over their low shoulder make sure they do it quickly and snap their head around first to locate the ball. Today I had each player make 3 shots from each spot/move and then repeated the drill on the right side. See More

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Basketball Play - Back Tip & Convert

Back Tip & Convert

Kevin Bruinsma 06/28/2013

This is a defensive drill that during my three years at Cleveland State we did a multiple times a week. It incorporates a lot of things and teaches/practices fundamentals while letting the guys get after it and be competetive. The back tip and convert drill allows you to learn how to back tip the ball properly and then transition immediatly into offense so you work on your 2 on 1 breaks. The key to this drill is the back tipper needs to sprint, and tip the ball up with his inside hand. Don't reach, just run the floor and tip the ball. A really great defense to offense drill while teaching a unique skill. See More

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Basketball Play - Around the World Layups

Around the World Layups

Fabian McKenzie 04/15/2013

We run this drill for 8 minutes All 1's have basketballs 2's stay at their passing spots 1's will continuously pass, sprint and make layups for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes we switch quickly and 2's take balls while 1's fill passing spots We go 2 minutes on right side and 2 minutes on left side In this variation we have more people with basketballs and we eliminate the middle pass. The players must throw a longer pass. We will go for 8 minutes but we will change the 2's throughout the drill instead of stopping the drill and changing everyone at the same time We go 4 minutes on right side and 4 minutes on left side See More

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