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Basketball Play - Motion Breakdowns: 3/0 Basket Cuts

Motion Breakdowns: 3/0 Basket Cuts

Randy Sherman 02/05/2015

Drill #3 in motion offense teaching progression teaches players to maintain "top-side-side" spacing while cutting and passing. Take cuts all the way to the rim and fill with the dribble or pass. If you pass from wing to point and the other two spots are filled, cut and replace yourself. DON'T STAND! Maintain 15-18 feet spacing and top-side-side alingment (Mover-Blocker principle) (This is not all the possible movement and cutting actions, but a few of the basic principles.) See More

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Basketball Play - Continuous Shooting

Continuous Shooting

FastModel Sports 01/27/2015

This drill is all about getting shots up. Split your team into two groups at separate baskets, each side with four balls. Start with one line at the top of the key and another on the baseline. Each line has two balls. The player on the baseline starts by curling to the wing 10-15 feet from the basket. They receive a pass from the first player in the other line and proceed to take a jump shot and get their own rebound. Once a player makes the pass they curl to the wing for their own shot, receiving a pass from the next player in the opposite line. Each player gets their own rebound and returns to the opposite line from where they started. Each player gets two shots at each shooting position (left wing, top of the key, right wing) before the lines move to the next position. The drill is completed when the players shoot from each position (left wing, top of the key, right wing) two times. The teams at each basket are competing for the most makes…losing team runs. See More

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Basketball Play - Wing Square-Ups

Wing Square-Ups

FastModel Sports 01/27/2015

The purpose of this drill is to practice squaring up hard on the wing; in other words, getting your shoulders turned all the way towards the basket and forcing your defender to move backwards in order to avoid committing a foul. Players pass the ball to a coach at the top of the 3-point line, take a step towards the basket, and then square-up to the basket as they receive the ball back from the coach. Once receiving the ball, they swing the ball aggressively over the tops of their shoes (low to the ground) and attack the basket along the baseline. Lines alternate driving along the baseline until the team makes 30 lay-ups, and then both lines switch to attacking middle for 30 made lay-ups. Players can switch up the type of lay-up they do to add variety to the drill. This is a drill for the whole team, not just your wing players. See More

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Basketball Play - 1 vs 2 Post Double Pass Out

1 vs 2 Post Double Pass Out

Drew Hanlen 10/09/2014

This is a drill from my Team Toughness Drill Book. You can get a copy of the complete drill book at This drill is great for post players because it works on the following: -Establishing position -Scoring if you get a deep catch -Reading the nail defender -Escaping double teams -Passing out of traps -Flashing from weak-to-strong side -Scoring in a 1v1 situation See More

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