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Basketball Play - Creating Space Floaters / Hooks

Creating Space Floaters / Hooks

Kyle Gilreath 07/17/2013

This drill is just an extension of the Rim Finishes Drill I posted earlier today. This is a great series of moves that every player should add to their arsenal to work on to perfect. The ability to change direction and finish around the rim are key elements for players who want to play basketball at a high level. When I performed this drill I had each player make each finish 3 times before moving onto the next move. You can adjust this accordingly as you see fit. See More

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Basketball Play - Creating Space Rim Finishes

Creating Space Rim Finishes

Kyle Gilreath 07/17/2013

One problem many young players face and something the pro's have perfected, is the ability to create space by setting up your defender for a move. In this drill I taught our players to jab at the rim to get the defender off and then jab in another direction to get the defense to recover to a side. Once you get the defense to a side you can then make a move and attack. Utilizing coaches/managers with pads in areas where the player will experience contact enhances this drill to the fullest. The coach/manager on the ball try to slap at the arms/ball to teach your players to be strong with the ball when jabbing and ripping through for a move. See More

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Basketball Play - 444


Kyle Gilreath 07/02/2013

444 Is a great defensive drill that involves your entire team. It forces the offensive and defensive teams to stay focused as soon as there is a make/miss or turnover/steal to jump right into your defense and try to create HAVOC. See More

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Basketball Play - Triangle Fast Break

Triangle Fast Break

Kyle Gilreath 07/02/2013

Occasionally while pressing the defense gets overaggressive and the trap breaks down and the ball gets ahead creating a 5 on 3 situation. This is the perfect drill to teach your players to never give up on a play and to sprint back trying to get a back tip in transition. See More

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Basketball Play - Circle Trap

Circle Trap

Kyle Gilreath 07/02/2013

The Circle Trap drill is one of the best drills to not only teach your offensive players how to handle traps under pressure, but it also teaches your defense how to trap without fouling. Offensively teach your players to be strong with the ball and how to create space. This drill also enforces the term "Fake a Pass Before you Make a Pass". Defensively trap with your feet and never allow splits. Keep your hands behind your elbows to prevent fouling. This drill also teaches the intercepter how to read the passer and try to anticipate the next pass. See More

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