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Basketball Play - Golden State Warriors UCLA Rip

Golden State Warriors UCLA Rip

Adam Spinella 05/22/2017

Because Steve Kerr has the luxury of utilizing some of the best shooters in the world, he runs great actions like this one designed specifically for them. In UCLA Rip, he places two shooters on the same side and runs them in a three-man pattern with Draymond Green at the 4. The screening and attention paid to their shooters helps the backdoor pass from Green be effective -- which is why the two players not involved in the action must be lifted on the opposite side of the floor. See More

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Basketball Play - UCLA Punch

UCLA Punch

Kyle Gilreath 05/06/2013

The Denver Nuggets ran this UCLA into a PIck & Roll action during Game 6 of the NBA Playoffs in their loss to the Golden State Warriors. What made this play so effective is Faried got a piece of Koufos' man on the roll which made Koufos' man late to help on the pick & roll. See More

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Basketball Play - NBA Best Play of the Night May 8: Chicago Bulls - UCLA Power

NBA Best Play of the Night May 8: Chicago Bulls - UCLA Power

Kyle Gilreath 05/08/2013

The Chicago Bulls ran this simple post-up play to get Carlos Boozer two points on the block in Game 1 versus the Miami Heat. This is a play that the Bulls run almost religiously every night and have several different ways to get into it. Here another way they ran this play a few weeks ago that ended in a pick & roll. Because Boozer is such a force inside due to his size and strength this is a very difficult action to guard. If X1 switches with X5 its more than likely an immediate score and if X1 holds until X5 recovers 1 will be open for a shot popping out. See More

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Basketball Play - UCLA Back


Kyle Gilreath 05/23/2013

The Indiana Pacers ran this UCLA set in Game 2 of the Eastern Conference Finals versus the Miami Heat. This play gives three scoring options in the UCLA cut, the post up, and the down-screen. The Miami Heat did a very good job guarding this action so the Pacers ended up running a middle ballscreen late in the clock. See More

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Basketball Play - UCLA Strong

UCLA Strong

Kyle Gilreath 07/12/2013

The Utah Jazz ran this Elbow-UCLA action into a modified flex pindown versus the Indiana Pacers this morning during the final day of the Orlando NBA Summer League. The key to this play having your 1 man slow down enough for his defender to think to help on the screen and then shoot off the pin down, creating space. See More

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