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Basketball Play - Box Loop

Box Loop

Kyle Gilreath 04/30/2014

Late in game 4 of the 2014 Playoffs the Chicago Bulls were in need of a score as they trailed the Washington Wizards. Tom Thibodeau drew up this sideline out of bounds play in a timeout which resulted in a mid-range jumper from Carlos Boozer. This is a great play as it gives you multiple quick inbound and scoring options. See More

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Basketball Play - ATL Horns Flare

ATL Horns Flare

Daniel Murphy 04/28/2014

Atl initiated this Horns play with the same transition staggered screen. This time the the passer recieved a flare screen on the weakside instead of following for the strong side pindown. Because x3 chased the flare screen x4 and x1 both helped on o3 opening up the corner 3 for o1 See More

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Basketball Play - Utah


Randy Brown 04/28/2014

Time tested play for three point shot. 1 enters and cuts to left corner as 4 flashes high to catch reversal pass. On 4-3 pass, 2 cuts off 5's shuffle screen to open lane area. 1 uses staggered 4-5 screen for open three point shot. See More

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Basketball Play - Blazer


Alan Peel 04/28/2014

This was a sideline inbounds play Portland ran against Houston on April 27 at the end of the third quarter. For more, check out, sign up for a membership, and get your first 30 days free. See More

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