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Basketball Play - 45 Ballscreen

45 Ballscreen

Adam Spinella 10/02/2013

This ballscreen set was run last season by the Hawks with great success. Al Horford set great screens for Josh Smith at the elbows, and with Smith's rare ability to drive and dish from the forward position, the alley oop was so tough to stop. See More

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Basketball Play - Thru


Alan Peel 10/02/2013

This is a variation of a secondary break play that was run by Mike D'Antoni when he was the head coach of the Phoenix Suns. For more, check out my website, sign up for a membership, and get your first 30 days free. See More

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Basketball Play - Finland Post 78

Finland Post 78

Dana Beszczynski 10/02/2013

Henrik Dettman was serving his second stint as Team Finland Head Coach and his team beat Greece, Russia and Turkey at this year's European Championship in Slovenia. Finland ran this to isolate their naturalized American Lee in the post and with a play ending backscreen, if the defense looks to double, the man is open on the weak side for a wide open lay-up See More

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Basketball Play - Need 3 SLOB

Need 3 SLOB

Kyle Gilreath 10/01/2013

Mike Woodson drew up this SLOB Need 3 action when he was the head coach of the Atlanta Hawks. While it is possible for 1 to be open on the first set of screens, do to help 3 is more than likely the option that will be open for a catch & shoot. See More

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Basketball Play - Twirl Up

Twirl Up

Dana Beszczynski 10/01/2013

This is a set play we used with success in our first season. It has multiple scoring options and a lot of movement. If the timing is good, the defense has to make split second decisions which can lead to easy points either on the paint or on the perimeter. See More

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Basketball Play - Triangle Low

Triangle Low

Kyle Gilreath 10/01/2013

This play came from the 2005 Houston Rockets when they ran this play towards the end of a Playoff game. Screen the screener is a very common action out of bounds but the way this play was ran I do not see very often. I also love the pick & roll action right after the catch. See More

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Basketball Play - Jaguar


Adam Spinella 09/30/2013

Jaguar is a play coming out of a high post offense, where the ball looks to go inside for a backdoor initially. If that backdoor is taken away, the set quickly expands to get two three point shooters open looks, taking advantage of how tightly the defense constricted around the lane to take away the initial backdoor. See More

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Basketball Play - 3-3 Conversion

3-3 Conversion

Daniel Murphy 09/30/2013

Drill stolen from Coach Bob Hurley of St. Anthony H.S. He in turn got it from Dick Harter. As a rule the player who defensive rebounds or takes the ball out of bounds after a score is on offense and the old offense always converts to defense. This is similar to 11 man break or other 3-3 drills where the defense comes in from the sideline, but in my opinion is a little more practical because the defense had to convert from offense and is in a more realistic game scenario. Many successful coaches believe transition defense is one of the top 3 skills a team must have. As such, defensive transition should be drilled daily. A note about drills-make sure to teach the skills you want. Stopping the ball, protecting the basket, communicating, screening, passing, cuttining etc. You can play this drill for a set amount of time ie. 8 minutes and keep score. Depending on what you as a coach want to emphasize, points can be given or taken for offensive rebounds, turnovers etc. Because it is 3-3 conversion, a short clock can be used to promote an aggressive offensive attack. See More

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Basketball Play - Stagger to Post Action

Stagger to Post Action

Dana Beszczynski 09/29/2013

Lithuania Coach Kazlauskas has a lot of experence in Europe and his offesive schemes incorporate a lot of ball movement and screening actions. Here is a tremendous set play run against France in the European Championship Final designed to isolate their strong 3 man, but when the play breaks down, the flat screen is used to isolate the PG for either a shot or penetration See More

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Basketball Play - 2 Stack

2 Stack

Kyle Gilreath 09/29/2013

This is simple yet very effective zone offense play that is one of my favorites. As 1 dribbles over, 2 overloads the floor making this play difficult to guard every option. After 5 screens in, he should try to post up hard on X5. See More

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Basketball Play - SLOB France NT

SLOB France NT

Dana Beszczynski 09/28/2013

A well designed SLOB play run by French National Team Coach Vincent Collet designed to get an isolation in the paint, off a side ball screen. Here France used the low post flash to attack the basket off the ball screen and although this situation was not successful, the play itself brings a multitude of opportunities to score off a dead ball situation. See More

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