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Basketball Play - 444


Kyle Gilreath 07/02/2013

444 Is a great defensive drill that involves your entire team. It forces the offensive and defensive teams to stay focused as soon as there is a make/miss or turnover/steal to jump right into your defense and try to create HAVOC. See More

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Basketball Play - Triangle Fast Break

Triangle Fast Break

Kyle Gilreath 07/02/2013

Occasionally while pressing the defense gets overaggressive and the trap breaks down and the ball gets ahead creating a 5 on 3 situation. This is the perfect drill to teach your players to never give up on a play and to sprint back trying to get a back tip in transition. See More

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Basketball Play - Circle Trap

Circle Trap

Kyle Gilreath 07/02/2013

The Circle Trap drill is one of the best drills to not only teach your offensive players how to handle traps under pressure, but it also teaches your defense how to trap without fouling. Offensively teach your players to be strong with the ball and how to create space. This drill also enforces the term "Fake a Pass Before you Make a Pass". Defensively trap with your feet and never allow splits. Keep your hands behind your elbows to prevent fouling. This drill also teaches the intercepter how to read the passer and try to anticipate the next pass. See More

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Basketball Play - Spurs Flare, Shuffle, Ball Screen

Spurs Flare, Shuffle, Ball Screen

Kevin Bruinsma 07/02/2013

This set ran by the San Antonio Spurs in the NBA Finals is packed with action. Utilizing the trailing post is the reverse man to swing the ball around the perimeter, they then run the strech 4 man off a flare screen while the 3 gets a shuffle screen from 5. This forces the back side to focus on their own man, the 5 man to protect the hoop on 3's shuffle. 5 then comes and ball screens the 1 man with the defense engaged else where. See More

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Basketball Play - Triple Option

Triple Option

Randy Brown 07/01/2013

This play contains several scoring opportunities. From a double stack 3 and 2 cut opposite to get open for shots. On ball reversal to 4, 5 is isolated in the paint for high low pass. On ball reversal to 2, 3 slashes for the ball as 5 and 4 double screen for 1, freeing him at the top of the key. Give it a try! See More

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Basketball Play - Spurs Slob

Spurs Slob

Daniel Murphy 06/30/2013

The Spurs ran this SLOB at 6:50 of Q3 in game 7. There were six seconds on the shot clock at this point. The Spurs had great spacing for the middle pick and roll with Duncan and Manu. Duncan had a good look at an extended layup but Wade made a great contest on the shot, pulling in from the corner off the ice cold Green. See More

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Basketball Play - Heat Elbow Rip

Heat Elbow Rip

Daniel Murphy 06/29/2013

Heat ran this at 7:45 of Q3 in game 7. When Chalmers clears to the corner he first runs at Bosh faking the screen. As this is happening Miller is sprinting into the back screen. The Spurs switched the pick and pop. Parker was guarding Miller and on the switch Parker guarded Wade and Manu guarded Miller. When Miller set the ball screen it was in the middle, but so low the screen was at the nail of the FT line. See More

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