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Basketball Play - High Post Dive & Weak Side Seal Drill

High Post Dive & Weak Side Seal Drill

Randy Brown 02/18/2013

If you run the High-Low motion offnese, this drill is manatory. It combines several key skills; cutting, passing, sealing, offensive post moves, shooting, and weak side sealing. The key element is to teach the high post player to dive to the rim and dominate the weakside when the ball is entered to his teammate. In anticipation of the shot, the opposite post positions himself in a weakside seal to guarantee the rebound on a miss. This is a very competitive drill that will help your half court offense immensely. See More

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Basketball Play - Washington Huskies Elbow Set

Washington Huskies Elbow Set

Dana Beszczynski 02/15/2013

Washington Huskies Coach Lorenzo Romar has a lot of experience working with some of the best big men in the game and this set is a good one run for the son of former NBA All-Star Shawn Kemp Shawn Kemp Jr. at 6'9 255 pounds does a good job of sealing his man in the paint using his size and strength to receive the pass in a good position to score See More

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