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Basketball Play - A look at the Lakers' pick-and-roll sans Nash (Pt. 1)

A look at the Lakers' pick-and-roll sans Nash (Pt. 1)

Mark Travis 12/03/2012

The Los Angeles Lakers have had their ups-and-downs since Mike D'Antoni was named their new head coach, which was expected with Steve Nash being out, but the one consistent theme with the offense so far has been how well Kobe Bryant is working out of the pick-and-roll. Forget scoring, which Bryant is doing at an elite level even in his 17th season, Kobe, whose reputation as a gunner has sullied his beautiful passing ability, is facilitating the offense extremely well in the abscene of Nash. On this play we can see how Kobe makes a great read to find a wide open shooters as well as how much attention Dwight Howard draws onn the pick-and-roll. This is the kind of play that D'Antoni is thinking about when he considers starting Antawn Jamison over Pau Gasol for spacing purposes. See More

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Basketball Play - Louisville Cardinal Ball Screen Set

Louisville Cardinal Ball Screen Set

Dana Beszczynski 12/03/2012

#5 Louisville Cardinals from their game against Illinois State The Cardinals did a good job moving the ball on this play looking to either isolate Siva for a three pointer or get the ball inside to one of their big men. The opening action is a good misdirection moving the defense away from the single baseline screen which Siva uses to get free. See More

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Basketball Play - "Diagonal Pop"

"Diagonal Pop"

Kyle Brown 12/03/2012

1 set and a counter to that set from Kevin Stallings. Diagonal is the base action and is a STS play for a shooter or a post up. At the clinic Stallings made a big point of having the guard screen above the FT line. The counter to the play is "Diagonal Pop" which is an elevator action for the shooter. See More

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Basketball Play - "Horns" - Ball Screen Slip

"Horns" - Ball Screen Slip

Luke Riegel 12/01/2012

This is a set that is effective if you have one or two good interior post players. The initial High/Low action is good early offense that you may be able to take advantage of before you even get to the ballscreen-slip. Then you have the opportunity to hit your 5 man slipping to the rim or hitting your 4 man spacing on the perimeter. You will have opportunities for high percentage shots regardless of which movement you take advantage of. See More

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Basketball Play - Triangle Pinch DHO

Triangle Pinch DHO

Michael Bowden 11/30/2012

The true triangle offense has so many actions and possibilities. From the 90's Bulls to the Lakers of the late 2000's. Here is a just one action that the Lakers looked to attack the Magic in the Finals with. They also ran this for Kobe to get an Isolation on the post. They had him coming off the initial flex screen. They also run him in the 5 position. So he can catch on the weak side elbow and be able to create from the elbow. See More

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Basketball Play - Florida Gator PNR

Florida Gator PNR

Dana Beszczynski 11/30/2012

Florida is perhaps one of the best PNR teams in America as Head Coach Billy Donovan has really used this to make his teams more dangerous both under the basket and on the perimeter. Florida does a good job spreading the floor and using their personnel to get people the ball in spots where they can score. The use of the double screen really makes it hard on defenses to recover in time, not leaving a man open as Murphy is a dangerous big man who can step out and shoot the 3. See More

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