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Basketball Play - Hit the post and move with perimeter defense

Hit the post and move with perimeter defense

Tom Kelsey 10/04/2012

Adding in the defender on perimeter and allowing post to set down screen creates a game like situation. Perimeter works on taking defense into the lane to set up coming off the screen. Post player wants to set the screen on a spot on the floor that allows a quick pivot and post up. Don't want to set the screen too low or too high, but wants to set the ball as close to the block as possible. Post players need to post up big and take up a lot of space. They want their back foot up and facing the passer. Both feet and chest need to be facing the passer. Also teach post players when posting they should be able to see the back of their hands while posting up on the block. Finger tips to the ceiling and palms up to improve the ability to catch. Perimeter works on passing with pressure on the ball. See More

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Basketball Play - Baseline Double Screen

Baseline Double Screen

Basketball HQ 10/03/2012

Screeners need to head hunt and hit the shooters defender with a good screen. If the shooters defender goes over the screen the shooter should fade to the corner and if the defender chases on the screen the shooter should curl or straight cut. A good play doesn’t have to be complex or involve 15 screens but it does require the players to execute it the right way. Make sure that your screeners are head hunting on the screens and not just standing. This will determine whether the shooter gets a good look or not. This play is from the 2005-2006 Duke season. See More

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Basketball Play - C of C Box Diagonal

C of C Box Diagonal

Kyle Brown 10/02/2012

A play from Bobby Cremins and the College of Charleston. This set play has a lot of options to it: 1) 4 posting up. 2) 2 coming off stagger to the top, and 3) 3 coming off a baseline screen. The play could finish in a lot of different ways, but easiest would be a high/low look for the 4 posting off the baseline screen. See More

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Basketball Play - 200 Point Shooting

200 Point Shooting

FastModel Sports 10/02/2012

This is a great partner shooting drill you can use to foster competition and get a lot of shots up. Any number of players can participate depending on time available and records can be kept for total points as well as wins and losses. A very good drill to end a difficult practice with since players will get a lot of shots up while tired. See More

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Basketball Play - 200 Point Shooting

200 Point Shooting

FastModel Sports 10/02/2012

This is a great partner shooting drill you can use to foster competition and get a lot of shots up. Any number of players can participate depending on time available and records can be kept for total points as well as wins and losses. This is a good drill to end a difficult practice with since players will get a lot of shots up while tired. See More

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Basketball Play - Circle Movement Shooting Drill

Circle Movement Shooting Drill

Coach Czes 10/02/2012

We run this for 10 minutes with half of the team on each end of the court, starting on the right side. We do 1:30 shot fake and drive, 1:30 shot fake-escape dribble jumper, and 2:00 catch and shoot. Then we switch ENDS (they are now all on the left side of court) and work back down. 2:00 catch and shoot, 1:30 shot fake-escape dribble jumper, 1:30 shot fake and drive. We stress ball fakes before the pass, jump stop finishes, great closeouts, shot fakes, and covering ground with our dribble. We choose 2 different spots to start from each day to change the spots we shoot from and the passing and driving angles, but the drill stays the same. See More

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