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Basketball Play - Bob Jones University - Double Screen to Flare Screen Horns

Bob Jones University - Double Screen to Flare Screen Horns

Tony Miller 05/17/2019

Consecutive actions are a great way to get an open shot against teams that fail to communicate "early, loud, and often." More in this blog post >>> BUILDING YOUR PLAYBOOK: Add Sets With Consecutive Actions Also below: Episode of A Quick Timeout podcast discussing Nick Nurse's coaching journey and the characteristics of a successful coach. Plus grab this FREE download: Toronto Raptors Playbook See More

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Basketball Play - 10-11 Houston Rockets - High Post Entry with Diagonal Screen and Flare Screen

10-11 Houston Rockets - High Post Entry with Diagonal Screen and Flare Screen

Basketball HQ 03/22/2013

With this play make sure you have a 2 that can make a pass from the top of the key to the rim when 3 cuts off of the diagonal screen. In practice work with your 2's that will be cutting off of the flare screen in reading the defense. You should be able to get a wide open shot, or lay up if your 2 can read the defense properly. This play is from the 2010-2011 Houston Rockets season. See More

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Basketball Play - 10-11 Houston Rockets - Flare Screen with Down Screen

10-11 Houston Rockets - Flare Screen with Down Screen

Basketball HQ 03/01/2013

For this play you want to make sure that your two man is your best shooter/scorer. When he cuts off of the flare screen it may be over played, he has to do a good job of setting his defender up with 4 rescreening for a pin down. Your 3 man has to be able to make decisions and reads with 2 cutting off of the flare, and then the pin down, and the 4 man diving hard to the rim after the pin down screen. This play is from the 2010-2011 Houston Rockets season. See More

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Basketball Play - SLOB - Back Screen with Flare Screen

SLOB - Back Screen with Flare Screen

Basketball HQ 02/09/2013

This play is from the 2010-2011 Houston Rockets season. You want to have your biggest guard take the ball out and your smallest guard to set the back screen. You want to create a defensive mismatch incase teams try to switch guard on guard action. You have to make sure you work with your 4 man on being able to read the flare screen or having your 5 man slip the flare screen. See More

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Basketball Play - BLOB - Back Screen with Flare Screen

BLOB - Back Screen with Flare Screen

Basketball HQ 11/08/2012

Set good screens and cut hard. Inbounder needs to hit the players right when they get open and not make them wait on the ball. Every basketball inbound play should be seen as an opportunity to run a set play and get a good look at the basket. The reason that this basketball play works so well is because there are multiple screening actions in a row. If you set good screens and cut hard this play will be very hard for the defense to guard. This play is from the 2011-2012 Georgia Southern season. See More

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