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Basketball Play - X Corner

X Corner

Kyle Brown 03/18/2013

A great blob action against a zone. Timing is really important and the read for the inbounder should be X4 in the diagrams. If X4 goes with the 2 then 5 will be open, if X4 stays in then 2 should be open. 5 has to work to Post hard on X5 and keep him occupied. See More

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Basketball Play - 10-11 Houston Rockets - High Post Entry with Fake Hand Off and Double Screen

10-11 Houston Rockets - High Post Entry with Fake Hand Off and Double Screen

Basketball HQ 03/18/2013

With this play make sure you have a passing 4 man. He has to read the defense as 3 cuts towards him for a hand off. If he can read the defense properly, you can get easy lay ups off of the hand off action. Make sure you 1 is setting the first screen in the double screen for 2, so the defense does not switch the guard to guard screening action. This play is from the 2010-2011 Houston Rockets season. See More

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Basketball Play - Golden State's 4 Cross Pin

Golden State's 4 Cross Pin

Mark Travis 03/16/2013

Despite their recent woes, the Golden State Warriors still rank as a top 10 offensive team in basketball, which is impressive given the amount of time they have spent without center Andrew Bogut this season. Bogut is a versatile offensive option that can score on the block and facilitate from the post or the elbow, which makes for some great offensive chemistry with David Lee, Golden State's other multi-skilled big man. The Warriors can also use Bogut as a way to create offense for their potent guards - Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson. Here is an example of the Warriors putting Bogut on the block and using weakside action, as well as Bogut's nifty passing touch, to get a good open look for Thompson at the free throw line. See More

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Basketball Play - SFA Jacks

SFA Jacks

Dana Beszczynski 03/15/2013

Stephen F. Austin Head Coach Danny Kaspar is known as one of the best defensive teachers in the country, but this opening set run against Sam Houston State takes advantage of good spacing, excellent player movement, and has multiple options to get off a good shot SFA is 25-3 this season and 15-2 in Conference, an exciting team to watch who already has a win over Oklahoma to its credit See More

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Basketball Play - Floppy Down

Floppy Down

Kyle Gilreath 03/14/2013

Last night in the Big East Tournament the Villanova Wildcats ran this turn-down pick & roll action in their win over St Johns. Jay Wright does a great job clearing out most of the baseline help in this set but convincing the defense a side pick & roll is about to occur. The 2 (guard) also does a phenomenal job setting up the bal with a ball/step fake middle and getting his defender moving over the screen that never happened. See More

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