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Basketball Play - 5 Spot In-a-Rows Shooting Drill

5 Spot In-a-Rows Shooting Drill

Randy Brown 01/24/2013

If you are looking for a competitive shooting drill you will like this 5 spot in-a-rows drill. Players are given five spots to shoot from. They must make the first shot to continue their "in-a-row" total from that spot. This can be a peer pressure drill also by comparing total shots made by all players. See More

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Basketball Play - Carolina Back Screen

Carolina Back Screen

Michael Bowden 01/24/2013

North Carolina Back Screen set is a set that they have been running for many years. The reason they continue to get solid looks out of this early offense is because they can run it out of their break. This action is very difficult to defend because you need solid ball pressure and communication on screens - which might be difficult in their home arena. These are a few of their back screen sets ran last night vs. Ga Tech. See More

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