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Basketball Play - Wing Isolation

Wing Isolation

Randy Brown 12/10/2012

Here is a good quick hitter for your 3 man. This play can surprise the defense if run out of a time out. It is also effective to force a player in foul trouble to defend your best player in the open floor. There are two additional options if 3 drive is cut off. See More

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Basketball Play - Cincinnati Bearcats Late Game SLOB

Cincinnati Bearcats Late Game SLOB

Dana Beszczynski 12/09/2012

Cincinnati ran this play for the game winner against Alabama as Cashmere Wright got up the shot falling away against Gueye from Alabama This was the second SLOB play Coach Cronin drew up after having Alabama take a timeout when the Bearcats had their aligment set. Grant evaluated the personnel on the floor and Cronin changed the play to get Wright the ball for a chance to win the game Justin Jackson's screen on Releford after the inbounds was the key to getting Wright free and in position to win the game See More

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Basketball Play - Temple Early Offense

Temple Early Offense

Dana Beszczynski 12/08/2012

Temple ran this Early Offense set in their match-up against Villanova They do a good job with spacing and the ball reversal sets up the flare screen for a possible shot or quick entry pass to the post man off the flare Fran Dunphy's teams are well drilled and do a good job executing their sets See More

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