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Basketball Play - College of Charleston Quick Hitter

College of Charleston Quick Hitter

Dana Beszczynski 11/26/2012

This play was run by the College of Charleston early in their upset win over Baylor. It is designed as a single/double screen to free up their best shooter Andrew Lawrence for a three pointer. In this situation, Lawrence chose to use the single screen set by Baru. Lawrence popped to the corner and got a wide open look at a three pointer which he knocked down off the pass from Stitt. See More

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Basketball Play - BLOB Elbow Double Stack Play

BLOB Elbow Double Stack Play

Basketball HQ 11/26/2012

This set was run by Marion Military Community College in the 2011-2012 season. This set is designed to get a lay up for your best slasher, or a three point shot for your best shooter. As your three man is coming off of the elbow double stack, he has to read the defense. If they trail him, he curls off of the double stack for a lay up, if they go under, he cuts for a midrange shot or three point shot. See More

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Basketball Play - Sideline Omaha

Sideline Omaha

NHSBCA NHSBCA 11/26/2012

1 screens for 2 to receive inbounds pass. 2 passes to 1 shaping up as 4 screens down for 3. 1 hits 3 on wing for shot. If 3 doesn't have the shot, 4 lane screens for 5 and 1 flare screens for 2. 3 can hit 2 for the shot. If the flare is not open, 3 looks to feed 5 in the post. 5 sets a side ball screen for 3. 3 can reject the screen and attack baseline (4 spaces to weak side corner) or use the screen (4 circles to ball side corner) and look for the roll or a shooter circling right. See More

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Basketball Play - Hand Off Rub Screen with Double Screen

Hand Off Rub Screen with Double Screen

Basketball HQ 11/22/2012

The key to this basketball play is timing and setting good screens. By making the defense focus on the hand off and rub screen action you soften up the defense and keep them from being able to help the way they should on the double screen. This is a good basketball play because it has multiple screening options. Get the defense to focus on the hand off and brush screen action to draw attention away from the double screen on the baseline for the shooter. This play is from Jeff B. Davis Community College 2011-2012 season. See More

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Basketball Play - Utilizing the Lakers' talent

Utilizing the Lakers' talent

Mark Travis 11/22/2012

Mike D'Antoni said something very interesting about his up-tempo offensive philosophies. He said that if you have the best team, why not try to give your players the most possessions possible. The theory being that the more times that Kobe Bryant and Steve Nash have to execute their offensive brilliance, the better it will be for his team since the opposition's talent won't be able to match them. If the game slows down, all of the sudden your margin for error shrinks and a handful of mistakes can cost you a game. D'Antoni also said that he expects the Lakers to average around 110-115 points per game, which are numbers that haven't been reached since the Nash/Amare combo in Phoenix was broken up. Those two things tell us that the Lakers will be playing at a very fast pace from now on, and despite the popular belief that their roster is too old to run, a free flowing offense is exactly what a veteran team wants in favor of a methodical offense like Boston runs which requires a lot of physical screening and post-up attempts. And having playmakers like Nash and Kobe together only makes this team more dangerous offensively because of his versatile they are coming off of pick-and-rolls. Nash is perhaps the greatest to ever operate a screen-and-roll and Bryant, because of his propensity to shoot, is a very underrated passer. Throw-in the most skilled big man in the league at power forward in Pau Gasol and the best finisher the league has seen since Shawn Kemp in Dwight Howard and we could have the makings of Showtime 2.0. This play that I have designed would make good use of the cavalcade of skill players that the Lakers have. Because of the up-tempo offense the Lakers will be running, the play starts in semi-transition with Kobe handling the ball at the start. I have inserted Jodie Meeks into the line-up for Metta World Peace to add a true floor spacer. The shots that this set produces are all optimal ones based on these players career hotspots and you can run it several different ways with different players on the floor. It is best with this set up, though, with Kobe initiating the action, Nash bringing a ton of secondary concerns and Howard acting as the league's best roll man and lob catcher. See More

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Basketball Play - Butler SLOB

Butler SLOB

Dana Beszczynski 11/20/2012

This is the SLOB ran last night by Brad Stevens and Butler down 70-67 against Marquette with .13 to play. The play used great misdirection in getting Clarke a clean look at a 3 which bounced off, but because of the great weak side rebounding position by Butler, they were able to tap in the rebound cutting the lead to 70-69. A very well designed set by from a timeout situation by the Butler Bulldogs and their great young Coach Brad Stevens. See More

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Basketball Play - Ball Screen Doubles

Ball Screen Doubles

Kyle Brown 11/20/2012

A play from the opening week of the college season. This action is pretty common throughout the country, but I liked how this play has 5 setting a downscreen for 3 and then the second screen of a baseline stagger for the 2. You could finish the play in a hi/lo or side P&R See More

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