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Basketball Play - Double Screen Low

Double Screen Low

Basketball HQ 10/06/2012

Shooter needs to set his man up and not be predictable on his cut. Come off the screen ready to shoot if you are open. Don’t make the shooter wait on the ball. If you can get the ball to your best player where the defender is at a disadvantage then you have done your job as a coach. On this play the defender is late to the ball because he had trouble with the double screen that let the shooter drive the ball past him to the basket. Create situations for your players to have an advantage over the defense. This play is from the 2005-2006 Duke season. See More

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Basketball Play - BLOB - 4 High Play

BLOB - 4 High Play

Basketball HQ 10/05/2012

Cut hard and read the defense. Have your best passer inbound the basketball and don’t stare down the receiver. Even if you don’t get the basketball make sure that you cut hard and draw the defense. Inbound plays don’t have to be super complicated just cut hard and be ready to shoot if you are open. Don’t just look to get the ball in. Try to get a good shot off of the inbound play or get right into your offensive set. This play is from the 2005-2006 Duke season. See More

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Basketball Play - Getting open vs. tough defense

Getting open vs. tough defense

Tom Kelsey 10/05/2012

The defense will overplay this drill. Offense is not allowed to go back door. The offensive player has a goal of catching in the operational area (FT extended, on the 3 point line). Once receiving the ball in the operational area there are more opportunities to score or make a play. 3 ways to get open. A lot of this footwork is from Pete Newell and his Big Man Camp video. See More

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Basketball Play - Hit the post and move with post man guarded

Hit the post and move with post man guarded

Tom Kelsey 10/05/2012

Add live defender on the post. Make defender push offense off the block if possible. Post man tries get down on the post defenders leg. Sit on the leg to take the post defenders ability to move. Perimeter has to read the defense. Make sure pass is away from the defense. If defender gets caught behind post player on one a particular side make sure to deliver the pass so defense can not deflect the ball. See More

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Basketball Play - Elbow Double Stack

Elbow Double Stack

Basketball HQ 10/04/2012

The double stack screeners need to set a good solid screen and the shooter needs to read if the defender is going to go under or over the screens. Having a good out of bounds plays can be the difference in a game. When you practice them make sure that you practice them full speed and talk about the different looks that the inbounder needs to make on the pass. This play is from the 2005-2006 Duke season. See More

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