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Basketball Play - Hand Off with Ball Screen

Hand Off with Ball Screen

Basketball HQ 10/12/2012

A handoff followed by a ball screen is basically a double ball screen but it helps to get the player the ball even if they are being denied. Come off the ball screen and look to make a play for your yourself or a teammate. On the handoff dribble right at the wings defender and try to screen him as you hand the ball off. Wing needs to take a good angle to come off the handoff and ball screen, look to turn the corner on the ball screen if you can. This play is from the 2005-2006 Duke season. See More

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Basketball Play - Wide PNR w/ pindown

Wide PNR w/ pindown

Kyle Brown 10/01/2012

A good wrinkle with a lot of action. The corner downscreen stretches the defense, and the downscreen for a shooter will occupy backside help. One of the best with this action (ballscreen & downscreen) is Williams College. They really drill this concept and then have certain reads to make out of the next pass. One of their favorite actions is to then have the person who set the ballscreen turn and flare in for the 1. See More

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Basketball Play - Transition Offense with Hand Off & Ball Screen

Transition Offense with Hand Off & Ball Screen

Basketball HQ 09/21/2012

Transition plays can be a great chance for your team to get easy buckets. If you can get your whole team down and into your offense before the defense gets set this provides a great chance to score. Make sure that if there isn’t a good look off of the transition play pull it out and run offense, don’t need to force up a bad shot. Attack off of the ball screen and get into the paint to create for your team. This play is from the 2007-2008 Chicago Bulls season. See More

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Basketball Play - Transition Offense with Pin Down

Transition Offense with Pin Down

Basketball HQ 09/20/2012

This is a transition man to man set. Look to get into it as quickly as possible before the defense can get set. It is a pretty simple action but it is a good quick hitter before the defense can get matched up. The screener needs to set a good screen and the cutter needs to come off looking to score. Players must sprint up the floor and get set, make sure that the screener doesn’t set a moving screen. This play is from the 2007-2008 Chicago Bulls season. See More

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Basketball Play - Transition Dribble Down/Double Screen

Transition Dribble Down/Double Screen

Basketball HQ 09/20/2012

This play is for a quick hitter in transition. For this play to work the offense needs to get down and get into the play before the defense can get back and get completely set. Screeners need to set good legal screens, cutter needs to come off the down screens looking to score, and the play needs to happen as quickly as possible. This play is from the 2007-2008 Chicago Bulls season. See More

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Basketball Play - Single/Double


Basketball HQ 09/16/2012

The single/double screen play is a good set because it doesn’t allow the defense to cheat. There are multiple reads that you can make out of it and this keeps the defense honest. If your shooter is open off of the screens hit him, if the defensive bigs have to help out on the screen look in the post, or let the cutter just catch the ball on the wing and play out of it. Tell your big men to set good screens and then duck in hard. Cutter needs to set his man up and not be predictable on his cut. This play is from the 2007-2008 Chicago Bulls season. See More

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Basketball Play - Double Cross Screen Post Up

Double Cross Screen Post Up

Basketball HQ 09/02/2012

This is great for a player with a size or strength mismatch on his defender. If you can’t get the ball on the block right away look to the high post for the post feed. Don’t go away from the post up too quickly. The deeper the catch the easier it will be to finish the play. Don’t make the post man wait on the ball, give it to him right when he is open. See More

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Basketball Play - Ball Screen with Double Backside Flare

Ball Screen with Double Backside Flare

Basketball HQ 08/29/2012

This set was run by the Chicago Bulls in the 2006-2007 season. This set is designed to get you an isolation with your point guard coming off of a flat ball screen or a three point shot from your 2 or 3. After your point guard uses the flat ball screen, your 3 pops, your 2 man runs off of the double backside flare looking from the baseline pass from your point guard for a three point shot. See More

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