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Basketball Play - BLOB - Back Screen with Flare Screen

BLOB - Back Screen with Flare Screen

Basketball HQ 11/08/2012

Set good screens and cut hard. Inbounder needs to hit the players right when they get open and not make them wait on the ball. Every basketball inbound play should be seen as an opportunity to run a set play and get a good look at the basket. The reason that this basketball play works so well is because there are multiple screening actions in a row. If you set good screens and cut hard this play will be very hard for the defense to guard. This play is from the 2011-2012 Georgia Southern season. See More

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Basketball Play - Florida - Continuity Offense

Florida - Continuity Offense

Luke Riegel 11/07/2012

This continuity offense provides an opportunity to get all 5 offensive players involved within the screening action. It also has provided us with a great "2nd offense" that is completely different than our offense that we run traditionally. If you have guards that like to post-up and bigs that can play on the perimeter, this continuity will be beneficial. See More

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Basketball Play - Milwaukee Bucks Game Winner

Milwaukee Bucks Game Winner

Kyle Brown 11/06/2012

A play the Milwaukee Bucks beat the Cavs with on Friday night. The Bucks were down 1 with .7 seconds and got a great look. 1 set a good screen for the 4 man to the basket (which the cavs missed the switch) and then 5 does a great job of headhunting and setting a screen for the 1 to the top of the key. See More

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Basketball Play - 2-3 Zone - Post Flash with Baseline Runner

2-3 Zone - Post Flash with Baseline Runner

Basketball HQ 11/06/2012

It is not just enough to pass the basketball around the zone and jack up 3 point shots. Your team needs to be able to go inside out for shots. You can get inside touches by passing or driving the ball. Inside out 3 pointers are much higher percentage shots for your team and they make the defense work. Keep the ball moving and have the big man flash hard for the ball. Seal in the outside baseline defender so that the shooter has a better look. This play is from the 2011-2012 Georgia Southern season. See More

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Basketball Play - Low


Luke Riegel 11/06/2012

A quick hitting 2-3 zone set that puts pressure on the bottom wing of the zone to make a decision on who to guard. Your point-guard needs to be able to make the right decision and find the open man; either 5 on the block or 3 in the corner. Most of the time, X4 will try to go out and guard 3 on wing, leaving 5 open on the block. See More

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Basketball Play - 1-4 High - High Post Entry with Hand Off & Counters

1-4 High - High Post Entry with Hand Off & Counters

Basketball HQ 11/05/2012

Point guard must take his man away from the hand off and the cut hard to get the hand off. If nothing is there just play out of the offense. A bad defender will relax once his man gives up the ball. This basketball play is designed to take advantage of this by having the PG receive a hand off from the high post. If the hand off is not there then the point guard simply cuts through and you are in your offense. Don’t be a robot and be ready to play out of the hand off. This play is from the 2001-2012 Georgia Southern season. See More

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Basketball Play - BLOB - Diagonal Screen Flare Screen

BLOB - Diagonal Screen Flare Screen

Basketball HQ 11/04/2012

This basketball out of bounds play is going to be run out of the box set. That means that you are going to have a player on each block and each elbow. To make this basketball play work you have to set a good diagonal screen. That way the defense either has to help on the screen and give up a shot on the flare screen or give up a layup. The player passing the ball in should look for the player coming off the diagonal screen, then the shooter off the flare screen, and then the big man opening up after he sets the flare screen. Must set good screens for this play to work. This play is from the 2011-2012 Gadsden State season See More

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Basketball Play - Wing Drive with Hand Off

Wing Drive with Hand Off

Basketball HQ 11/03/2012

Hand off basketball plays are a great way to get the defense to miss communicate and break down defensively. Also if you have a great shooter this may be the only way to get them the ball if they are being denied. Sometimes a bad shot from a great player is better then a good shot from a poor player. Shooter needs to get his shoulders squared when coming off of the hand off on the shot. Come shoulder to shoulder on the hand off and don’t let the defender squeeze through. This play is from the 2005-2006 Duke season. See More

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