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Basketball Play - QB Tee Drills

QB Tee Drills

Michael Bowden 11/01/2012

Recently our staff was told about a product called QB Tee by an NBA Assistant Coach who is nationally known for being one of the best in the business as far as Player Development. There are countless drills that can be used with the QB Tee and I have just included a few in the Fast Draw diagrams and video. There can be full court ball handling drills to using it for end of game situations where your players need to have that internal clock in their mind to get a shot off in time. There is a standard list of times for each drill, but from the limited experience that we have had... It is good to start with the clock high, then slowly lower it and challenge your players. *One thing to remember when using this product is that there is a difference between having great footwork and shooting efficiently - and rushing your shot to get it off in time. Quality Reps! See More

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Basketball Play - SLOB - Double Screen

SLOB - Double Screen

Basketball HQ 11/01/2012

Shooter needs to set his man up and make a good read. Screeners need to set goo solid screens and then react out of them to make an offense play. Unless it is an end of game situation where your team is up then side line out of bounds basketball play should be run to get a bucket. You either want to score right out of the sideline play or get right into your offense. Don’t waist opportunities to run set out bounds plays. This play is from the 2005-2006 Duke season. See More

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Basketball Play - Circle Movement Shooting Drill

Circle Movement Shooting Drill

Coach Czes 11/01/2012

We run this combination drill for 10 minutes with half of the team on each end of the court, starting on the right side. We do 1:30 shot fake and drive, 1:30 shot fake-escape dribble jumper, and 2:00 catch and shoot. Then we switch ENDS (they are now all on the left side of court) and work back down. 2:00 catch and shoot, 1:30 shot fake-escape dribble jumper, 1:30 shot fake and drive. We stress ball fakes before the pass, jump stop finishes, great closeouts, making great shot fakes, calling names out on passes, and covering ground with our dribble. See More

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Basketball Play - Timeline Drills/ 5. Stepbacks

Timeline Drills/ 5. Stepbacks

Tom Kelsey 10/30/2012

Time line drill series. Players begin at timeline with the basketball and make pass to coach or manager above three point line. Work on passing skills with crisp passes. Footwork emphasis with players getting to spots quickly with as few steps as possible. Try to get off shots going at game speed. See More

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Basketball Play - Single with Baseline Double

Single with Baseline Double

Basketball HQ 10/30/2012

If your best basketball player is a pure shooter and doesn’t really put the ball down on the floor well then it is going to be absolutely key that you have plenty of screens for him to get good looks. This basketball play is exactly what it sounds like. The shooter sets a single screen, then cuts off of the baseline double screen. Screeners need to set good legal screens and shooter needs to read his defender and come off the right screen. Screeners need to be ready to catch and finish the ball if their man helps too much on the shooter. This play is from the 2005-2006 Duke season. See More

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