Auto-Renewal Policy

To ensure your access to FastDraw and/or FastScout is never interrupted, subscriptions purchased via our website auto-renew by default at the full retail price. You can cancel auto-renew at any time but no later than 15 days prior to your subscription renewing.

Our new auto-renew policy will go into effect the week of 9/18/17. You will be notified that you are subscribing to an auto-renewing subscription when you check out on our website. 

In order to cancel your auto-renew subscription:

  • Email and include the email address used to purchase the product. 
  • Once your account has been cancelled, you will receive a confirmation notice. Please keep it for your records.

IMPORTANT: Following any cancellation you will continue to have access to your subscription for the remainder of your paid license year. It is not necessary to wait to cancel your future subscription. No refunds will be issued after renewal date.

If you have any questions, please email