FastModel Sports Content Sharing Policy

If you’ve followed FastModel Sports as a company over the years, you’ll know that we’re all about growing the game of basketball. That is our ultimate goal and it’s what drives our company forward every single day. 

We love the coaching community that has developed around our elite basketball tools and the content we create specifically to help coaches perform their jobs at the highest possible level.

As our company has evolved, so has the technology for consumers to create their own content sites, leading to a large number of coaches hosting and distributing content created using FMS products, most notably play diagrams and playbooks made with FastDraw.

In the past, we have never placed any rules, restrictions or limitations around this sharing of content created using our products. As we’ve seen a number of coaches recently offering free and for purchase playbooks, it is time we updated our policy on the matter for a variety of reasons:

  • Ensure FMS receives proper credit for all publicly available content created using its products
  • Ensure FMS has consistent branding and messaging across the internet
  • Ensure that content created by our coach contributors specifically for FMS marketing use is protected
  • Ensure that any FMS created content is not displayed in a negative way

      Beginning June 1, 2021, coaches wishing to utilize FastDraw diagrams on their website, blog, YouTube channel, etc., or distribute FastDraw created playbooks must receive written consent from FastModel Sports before doing so and adhere to our content sharing standards.

      Contact to request permission to use content created in FMS products on your platform(s) and include all necessary links for our team to review.

      If and when you have received permission, you will be sent FastModel assets such as logos, graphics, links, copy and promotional codes that must be incorporated into your site to meet the requirements of hosting FastModel content.

      This new policy is in no way meant to diminish the sharing of our content or hinder the coaching community that we love. We will always encourage sharing the game, yet we must take steps to protect our company in this highly digital age. Our goal is for this to be a simple process that also adds a level of credibility to your site and content by including this official approval.

      We hope you understand this update and we look forward to continuing to nourish and support the basketball coaching community, aka our #FastModelFamily.

      Thanks to all who use our products and aim to spread the game of basketball!

      Yours in coaching,

      ~Team FastModel